Culled from Awareness Times | |
The All Peoples Congress Member of Parliament representing Constituency 108, Hon. Dr. Michel Sho-Sawyer has past Thursday 21st August, at the Vine Memorial Secondary School Hall, Congo Cross, while officially launching his Constituency Ebola sensitization Campaign called “GOOD HEALTH LONG LIFE INITIATIVE”, closed with immediate effect, the border of his constituency to prevent strangers coming to stay in the constituency with the sole aim of combating the dreadful Ebola virus that has claimed the lives of many Sierra Leoneans.
Officially launching the “GOOD HEALTH LONG LIFE INITIATIVE”, and reading out the Anti-Ebola constituency bye-laws which was put together by himself and his executives in line with other stakeholders, Hon. Sho-Sawyer maintained that henceforth, no strangers should be allowed to stay or leave the constituency without the knowledge of the zonal executives.
He furthered that, no one should visit cinemas to watch football games as plans are underway for SLBC to show every game live. He also banned all sporting activities in the constituency; and advised sexually active people to minimize or abstain from sexual activities and avoid night clubs or any illegal gatherings as it is against the recently passed State of Health Emergency act which empowers every state functionary to take necessary action in the fight against the virus. He also reminded residents to avoid playing loud music or do anything that is against the law. The law he went on is supreme and reiterated his advice to everyone to respect the bye laws given by the Freetown City Council and the Presidential Task Force on Ebola.
He disclosed that everybody, devoid of political color or affiliation is part of the Ebola education as they will be the ones translating all health messages into their community languages within the constituency so that the constituents will have a better understanding of all the topics. The Honourable member added that, the community police, religious leaders, traditional leaders, community based organizations and other community stakeholders are going to take the central stage in the Ebola sensitization process in the constituency.
He said the fight against Ebola is a national fight that requires every Sierra Leonean effort. Due to concerns raised about the non-functioning of the free toll 117 line, he informed that he will get every zonal and constituency leader a mobile phone with a special number to place calls directly to him when there is any incident of a suspected Ebola case in constituency or anyone found flouting the bye-laws.
He advised every constituent should avoid body contact as best as possible as it is the easiest way of transmitting Ebola, also cautioning that constituents should not eat wild animals such as bats, monkeys, chimpanzees and bush meats especially those that have been partly eaten by bats.
He furthered that, they are charged with the responsibility of sensitizing their constituents on Ebola for three months, thus the reason involving all councilors, constituency and zonal executives, organizations and traditional heads to join the fight against the disease to save the nation.
“I am also here to facilitate every councilor, zones and wards to take the message to their different communities so we can succeed in the fight” he stated.
He called on all constituents to be vigilant and monitoring themselves and report suspected intrusion by any constituency stranger. A minute silence was made for the late Dr. Modupeh Cole who is the only recorded case in his constituency which he vowed will never happen again.
Earlier, making a statement at the ceremony, the constituency 108 chairman Mr. Edward Davies encouraged the people to restrict their movement in and out of the constituency and report all visitors and strangers to the chairman. In her statement the constituency chairlady Irene Multi-Kamara encouraged constituents to always report early cases of signs and symptoms to the nearest health centers so to avoid the spread of the disease in the constituency. Similar sentiments were also expressed by all the councilors present. Distribution of rice and monies to every zone climaxed the programme.
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