SLPP alarmed over Weekend bye-election defeats, as truthful supporters highlight why the party lost goodwill in only 60 days

Elitism and the growing protest within the SLPP: six reasons.

By Fouad Yusuf Bangura

While I remain very optimistic that the New Direction agenda has a great potential to transform this country, I must express my dissatisfaction on the abysmal performance of the party in the just concluded by-elections in Port Loko and Bonthe. Let me dilate on the six reasons I hold to believe that we (SLPP) are standing on the brink.

1) Most SLPP public officials can only be seen now in exclusive Bar’s🍺 and pubs with Armed OSD Personnel. Not even to interact, but to speak Cambridge grammar, talk about how Ghana was transformed and restrict other people from sitting in certain places.

2) The National Party Executive structure is not seen to be functioning anymore. We now have party executives fighting for public offices as if they needed employment badly to recoup. Hence leaving Unity House in the hands of ‘disenchanted youths’ who idle around with no hope.

3) Ego and arrogance; the first thing that happened when appointments started was that, as soon as one suspects that he/she will be appointed to a public office he changes his # and leave all SLPP WhatsApp groups. Making other people to resemble idlers! If you can’t read and reply a simple WhatsApp or SMS, then you have no business to be part of such a change.

4) With all due respect and without prejudice to Dr. Ali Kabba, being the campaign manager of the party did he visit any of the constituencies the by elections where held? In the quest for appointments and jobs, the SLPP campaign structure collapsed on pretense that their job is done and all is well.

5) Although we have one of the best PhD cabinets in the world, one would like to know what experience these academics have outside the classroom. Some of these PhD carriers cannot even win all the votes in their household, let alone Port Loko or Bonthe.

6) The Charles Margai sacking seem to be sacred. Without contempt and prejudice, the gamble to appoint that learned man who put the SLPP in opposition was really unnecessary. Now he is sacked after 2 months in office without no explanation. How can we continue on this apologetic trend? We lost Bonthe on protest!

Should this protest continue, I pity those recently appointed ‘first time car owners’ who do not respond to the calls and text messages of their constituents.

3 Raray boy vote Betteh pass 2 Professor Vote: say no to elitism and cronyism in the SLPP.

©Fuad Yusuf-Bangura

3 hrs ·

President Bio, those egocentric elites can’t help u win elections. Admonish them to keep an open arms and relate with the grassroot people.
Elitism is dangerous in politics (4 ordinary man vote betteh pass 2 elite vote).
We might think 5yrs is long but it’s just around the corner…Politics is not for introverts!

Mamadu Lamrana Jalloh Ar understand say d youths of Bonthe vex pa d deputy speaker en some elites dem. D deputy speaker make a whole statement na parliament without mentioning Bonthe Island in a single sentence. En d youths dae complain say d elites of SLPP greedy en selfish from wae den assume power den nr get den time egain. So this na a bin warning dat den need for uphold d youths dem.

Osman Al Pablo Turay Cautious vibes
Elitism has always been the difference between SLPP and APC
Superior attitude will never bring change in a country. Something these people don’t understand.

Umar Koroma
Umar Koroma The change will come by God’s grace. But they really need to get off their high horses… can deliver on ur mandates but the people would still vote you out for being too egocentric or acting superior over the ordinary man that voted you in….
We’ll keep reminding them that they ar servants of the people and not some demi gods..

Osman Al Pablo Turay Umar Koroma that’s what I’m talking about.

These people are too cautious about class segregation forgetting that these able bodied poor men and women were the ones that put them in charge. It’s about time we start revolting decently or we stuck inside this circle of elitism.


My brother/sister even if APC wins a community election between SLPP n Apc it is a call for alarm especially in d governing party strong hold. D home of d president. Dis should be a warning shot to us d party n start putting things in place. We should be honest to ourselves
U can lie to anyone but not to oneself
We should not be complacent at all. This was what Apc did n end up losing d national election. Every election should be regarded important. D battle for 2023 starts now. We need to empower our party financially n commitment. All d slpp stake holders are being appointed into offices leaving d party executive dormant. Chairman for South slpp is a minister, national chairman is Director, secretary General is Director. Fair enough so d other key executive members should be empower to do d job.
We don’t hear abt d women’s wing anymore,we don’t hear about d youth league anymore.
Hope we learn from dis and start d ball rolling. We should be gaining grounds not losing grounds more especially in our strong holds.

London Jet
Blama Finest


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