By Kabs Kanu
EVERYBODY IS CRYING about the brutish economic conditions in Sierra Leone and the ominous reality that President Maada Bio does not care. He is neither able nor committed to the task of alleviating the people’s hardships .
The country is very economically sick and on life support. Rice , the staple food, is so expensive at about Le 800,000 a bag when the basic salary is Le 250,000 but the alternatives bulgur and garri are even more expensive . How can you have a country without alternative staple foods ?
The people are starving and suffering and all the president is busy doing is lying through his teeth , feasting on the consolidated fund and for good measure doing his munku Tihun Village dance in public, making cock-and – bull promises and to cap it all, going on wasteful and unnecessary foreign travels. For how long does he expect the people to endure ? Who can endure for long what the people of Sierra Leone are going through presently under this tribalistic Paopa junta government of President Maada Bio ?
There are suffering and lamentation everywhere and the government does not care but who will complain or protest about it ? The Ton- Ton Macoutes Kamajor Police and army are ready to beat, maim or kill any dissenting voice as the government has been doing since it came to power .
Amnesty International , Human Rights Watch and the U.S State Department are busy highlighting and documenting the horrific human rights abuses being perpetrated by the Maada Bio government but the people of Sierra Leone expect much more from America and other stakeholders . The international community is trying but they are letting President Bio get away with much .
Now, elections are coming in a few weeks and the Sierra Leonean people are talking about their plans to vote out the SLPP government but Bio seems to be too devilishly smart for them. Since he conducted ACC bogus census and flawed voters registration exercises , he had put structures in place already to rig the elections . The people of Sierra Leone are crying for change but President Bio is planning to impose himself on them for another five years.
Sierra Leoneans are crying. But who and what will redeem the country from the hands of this abusive, corrupt , uncaring , heartless and cruel president
who is gunning for a second term ?
African politicians do not know when they have screwed up and should quit. President Maada Nio, in his very first 5 years of office, had proved that he does not have the skills, commitment and personnel to turn things around in Sierra Leone. Under him, e everything had fallen apart.