They called him a dog—
Not in the way of beasts that roam,
But in whispers laced with scorn,
As if loyalty were a shame,
As if service were a sin.
He has always stood at the master’s gate,
Not with fangs bared, nor claws drawn,
But with hands that built,
With words that healed,
With wisdom carved in patience.
They say he is unworthy,
That he is a pup in a lion’s den,
Yet still, he watched, he learned, and didn’t talk.
Not to devour, not to destroy,
But to guard the government’s path.
The elders who came before him at the table feasted,
Their tongues were sharp as broken glass,
Yet crumbs fell from their plates,
And as a man of faith,
He always took them—not with shame,
But with the quiet knowing of purpose.
For is it, not the dog, the loyal one,
Who waits by the master’s side always?
Who runs at the sound of duty’s call?
Who bears the burdens of the road
Without asking for the crown?
Let them call him what they will,
A dog, a servant, a fool in chains—
But when the storm rises,
When the whistle is blown tomorrow, It will not be the lions who will stay,
But the humble dog, standing still.
kings always fall to pride,
Because kingdoms are built on those
Who serve, who strive, who kneel—
Not in weakness, but in will.
So call him what you must,
But know this truth:
The humble dog is guarding the throne,
Not for the praise of men,
But for the love of the land and the common people.
Political pundits believed that Fatima’s dig was actually aimed at the Chief Minister, Dr. Moinina Sengeh, with whom it is believed she had been having a running feud , with both individuals often making indirect and sarcastic statements at unnamed political adversaries.
Fatima Bio said that her detractors said she was not the government but they failed to realize that they were employed by her husband.
After Fatima’s rants yesterday, a blogger from Bo produced the beautiful poem above .

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