Voter fraud was evident in all SLPP strongholds in 2002. Notable amongst them were Kanema, Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun, Bonthe, and Kono where statistics showed that the total votes cast for the SLPP alone in 2002 for each of them exceeded all votes for all parties that contested in 2007.
For example, in Kenema the SLPP vote count for 2002 was 259,942 whereas in the first round elections of 2002, the vote count for all parties combined was 196,437.
Also in Bo the SLPP vote count for 2002 was 241,140 whereas in 2007, the vote count for all parties combined was 179,782.
Evidence of voter fraud in the SLPP strongholds of Kailahun and Pujehun in 2002 were easily discernible as record showed that the vote counts in those regions exceeded the total number of registered voters.
For example, in Kailahun, the total votes cast in 2002 was 117,967 whereas the number of registered voters was 113878. Also, in Pujehun, the total votes cast in 2002 was 118,497 compared with the number of registerted voters which was 113,469.
What the SLPP wants to do is to win the elections with voter fraud in the east and the south.
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