The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) struck this nation at a time when the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) was set to traverse the length and breadth of Sierra Leone. The nationwide stakeholders and public consultations could not be held.
The CRC could not move, the consultations have been put on hold pending the outcome of the EVD.
At the moment, the CRC is accepting Position Papers from interested individuals, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) whilst simultaneously engaging in civic education at a very low key in the Western Area.
It should be noted that the CRC will review the 1991 Constitution democratically. Suffice it to say that the review process would never be completed in the absence of a nationwide public and stakeholder’s consultations.
Currently, none of the 8 sub-committees has done consultations in the provinces. Each of those sub-committees will be visiting the 12 districts in the provinces and the Western Area urban and rural.
The State of Public Emergency forbids the 80 member CRC to meet at plenary where decisions are made. In the absence of a plenary, no recommendations could be proffered for amendments.
The work of the CRC is on hold contrary to baseless allegations making the rounds that the CRC is reviewing the Constitution at a time when Sierra Leone is grappling with the Ebola scourge.
The CRC has so far not received a single Position Paper demanding an unlimited tenure for the presidency. Even if it has received such, the CRC would seek the views and aspirations of the people who hold the sovereignty of this State.
It is the desire of the Committee to produce a constitution that will promote peace and tranquility, good government, human rights, and the general wellbeing of the people.
CRC-A good constitution for a better Sierra Leone
Mohamed Faray Kargbo
Head, Communications and Outreach
Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) (www.constitutionalreview.gov.sl)c
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