By Leeroy Kanu :
The outgoing Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone to the United Nations, Ambassador Shekou M. Touray , on Monday September 9 took leave of the Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon.
He was accompanied by Minister Plenipotentiary Mr.Leeroy Wilfred Kabs-Kanu.
In his opening remarks, Ambassador Touray told the Secretary General that he had come to take leave of him and to also extend his official and personal appreciation to the UN Chief for the tremendous support he gave him during his tenure in matters affecting Sierra Leone .
In response, the UN Boss said he was sorry that Ambassador Touray was leaving but he promised to render the same level of cooperation and support to his successor. He said that Ambassador Touray did an excellent job and he commended the role played by the Ambassador in the UN Security Council Reform negotiations as the Chair of the African Union Committee of 10 ( C-10 ) , in sessions of the UN Peacebuilding Commission ( PBC ) and in other capacities as the P. R of Sierra Leone. The Secretary General expressed his admiration for the progress Sierra Leone has made so far in stabilizing the country after the war, which has won the country the accolade of a UN success story in peacebuilding and peace consolidation.
Ambassador Touray expressed delight , on behalf Sierra Leone , that the Secretary General was happy with the country’s progress in peacebuilding and peace consolidation and he was confident that if the UN Chief accords his (Touray’s ) successor the same level of support , the country would do even better.
Ambassador Touray briefed the UN Secretary General about President Koroma’s Agenda For Prosperity which is designed to have the country derive benefits from her abundant resources. He hoped the Secretary General will work with the country to help it achieve its objectives. “I go out with fond memories of you and I thank you for the special interest you had in our country, ” the outgoing ambassador remarked.
The UN Boss asked Ambassador Touray to extend his best regards to President Ernest Bai Koroma and he re-assured the ambassador that his successor will receive the same support and cooperation from him.
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