Outspoken female opposition leader, Olufemi Claudius Cole , has ridiculed the embattled and much- vilified President of Sierra Leone, Maada Bio , for continuing to bastardize the country’s constitution.
The reports of rampant corruption at all levels of the SLPP Government in the media have been very disturbing and Mrs. Claudius- Cole , in her tweet, expressed sympathy to all Sierra Leoneans for the manner their country has been turned into a Banana Republic by the Bio government.
Mrs. Femi Caudius -Cole is Chairperson of the Unity Party ( UP).
Mrs . Claudius -Cole ridiculed Maada Bio for two recent high – profiled cases of corruption by Bio that have been the talk of the country.
The Clerk of Parliament, Mr. Paran Tarawallie, criminally placed his wife on the payroll of Parliament , even though she was not working there and illegally paid him salaries for 10 months. The U.P leader said that for his corruption, Paran Tarawallie got only a hug, kiss and cuddle from Bio and a tap on the wrist and suspension.
The other matter of corruption the opposition leader taunted Bio for was his unconstitutional appointment straight to the seat of a Supreme Court judge of the much-criticized Chairman of the Political Parties Regulation Commission, Mr. Abdulai Masianday Bangurah ,one of the miscreants who helped Maada Bio rig the 2023 elections.
Like many Sierra Leoneans, Mrs Claudius – Cole accuses Maada Bio of paying off Mr. Bangirah for helping him rig the elections . The appointment, according to her, bypassed the high court and Appeals Court where Bangurah should served first.
What is surprising is how Maada Bio could have been committing all these economic and constitutional crimes and atrocities in Sierra Leone and is still being given pass grades by the corrupt Millenium Challenge Corporation ( MCC ) of America for control of corruption and handling of constitutional matters.
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