Unwavering patriotism : A call to place Sierra Leone first

*Unwavering Patriotism: A Call to Place Sierra Leone First*

By Mohamed Kargbo

On this auspicious Wednesday, it is good to remind compatriots that the moment we start to see the Green, White, and Blue above those political colors and start to see Sierra Leone above political parties, fostering meaningful discussions that propel our nation forward in all spheres. Regrettably, I have observed a distressing trend in Sierra Leone where impoverished citizens staunchly defend a politician and a political party that have failed them, defending a politician and a political party that have made it hard for the poor citizens to make ends meet, defending a politician and a political party that have made it difficult for the poor citizens and their children to have quality education, defending a politician and a political party that have made it hard for the poor citizens to have access to good medical care, pipe-borne water, good road networks, and sustainable and affordable energy, instead of defending the interests of Sierra Leone.

The masses have taken these political parties as a religion and are worshiping and seeing these crooked politicians as demigods. Politicians and political parties have used this opportunity to engage in their selfish and corrupt activities because the people will defend them whenever the opportunity arises. The masses are willing to sacrifice and lay their lives for these corrupt politicians and political parties that have contributed nothing to their lives or the country. The poor masses admire the extravagant lifestyles that politicians and their families are living, funded by taxpayers’ money, and they will sing praises for them instead of holding them accountable for their stewardship.

Let me cite a renowned journalist, Amadu Lamrana Bah, who stands as a beacon of truth constantly exposing the corrupt activities of these selfish politicians on his Facebook handle. Interestingly, you see citizens in the comment section who should applaud him for his bravery, boldness, courage, and fearlessness in speaking truth to power and trying to hold these corrupt individuals accountable. However, instead of showing appreciation, they bash him, comment with ill words, and some even go to the extent of abusing and threatening his life. It is disheartening to see those comments coming from the very people that Amadu Lamrana Bah is fighting for; it is a pity.

These are the same people who would accuse journalists of being bribed by a politician or being under the influence of a brown envelope if the journalists decided to take a break. If a journalist is genuinely doing his/her work, exposing the negative elements that would hinder the progress of the country, you will see compatriots coming after him/her with threatening remarks, using abusive language towards the journalist, and trying to intimidate them. They will claim that the journalist is portraying a negative image of the country to the world.

Compatriots! Politicians are ordinary human beings like us; they are not deities to be worshipped or feared. Let us stand for what is right and begin to show signs of patriotism if we want to see the progress of our beloved country. Let us change the habit of tolerating politicians for their selfish acts and develop the mindset of holding them accountable for their actions. Let us develop the mindset that Sierra Leone is above all else. Let us prioritize the interests of the country above all else if we want to see Sierra Leone thrive.

I express my sincere gratitude to compatriots who are fighting a genuine cause for the betterment of the country. Please do not give up despite the negative feedback from the masses. Though it is a challenging task to fight a corrupt system and simultaneously change the mindset of the people, one day you will win the battle for a better Sierra Leone. *Salone Big Pass We All*

*(C) Trumpet Newspaper*

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