Subject: What, if God forbids, SLPP rigs Berewa to a Victory?
From: Victor Moigua
To: All
Date Posted: 14:33:03 09/08/07 ()
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Entered From: pool-71-247-164-81.nycmny.east.verizon.net at
We have already witnessed SLPP violence, tribalism and terrorism in Bo, Kenema, Segbwema and Kailahun.
We have already witnessed the intimidation, vote buying and threats in Freetown.
We have already seen the cowering of Paramount Chiefs in the face of the bullying power of the SLPP political machine.
We have already seen the misuse of government funds to fund the Berewa election.
With all this and the determined SLPP efforts to rig, what will you do if Berewa is declared the runoff WINNER? Will you:
1) Throw up your arms and accept the results quietly like a good doggy, and accept the rule by Benjamin, Karimu, Kanja Sesay and the mafia?
2)Pray for the military to overthrow a fraudulent government and maybe give us a fresh start some time in the future? or
3) Go to church and mosque and pray that our lord leaders may have a change of heart and show some selflessness at long last?
So what are you gonna do when your country is once again abused by the most cold-blooded mafia outfit in criminal politics?
Subject: Re: What, if God forbids, SLPP rigs Berewa to a Victory?
From: kamara
To: All
Date Posted: 16:09:46 09/08/07 ()
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Entered From: pool-71-172-31-93.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net at
If SLPP wanted to rig the elections, they would have rigged it in the fist round. I know you thuggish APC/pmdc(ABLE POIL COUNTRY & PEKIN MARGAI DAE CRASE) are not accustomed to democracy, just brute force & Gbose Gbose. SLPP will beat APC any day, If it were not the tribalistic & vote rigging in the Temne and Limba areas in the North.
Subject: Re: What, if God forbids, SLPP rigs Berewa to a Victory?
From: Eddie Grant
To: All
Date Posted: 16:27:22 09/08/07 ()
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Your hatred for Temnes and Limbas would bring you down to your knees trust me. You will soon perish believe it or not people like you have no place in our decent community.
You deliberately singled out Temnes and Limbas as if they’re the only northerners.
By the way why are you so hateful of these people? Is it something to do with your forebears or what? teach me history.
Subject: Re: What, if God forbids, SLPP rigs Berewa to a Victory?
From: Victor Moigua
To: All
Date Posted: 16:24:03 09/08/07 ()
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Entered From: pool-71-247-164-81.nycmny.east.verizon.net at
Kamara,here is the meaning of the SLPP that you forgot to mention:
SLPP——– Sierra Leone Pigs and Prostitutes.
Subject: Cannibals and Carnivores
From: Almamy Razak Seray-Wurie Si
To: All
Date Posted: 15:22:29 09/08/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
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I remember my Karamokoh, Alhaji Shiekh Muhammad Al-Amin Turay of Limba Mosque Sanders Street-Freetown once said, “if a person or group of people choose to ignore Allah’s guidance then He will ignore him/her or them as calamity rages…”
People in SL have choosen to keep SLPP and APC even though both parties are based on ethno-linguistic/regional votes.
*Extreme APC thinkers say RUF/NPRC was SLPP in disguise
*Extreme SLPP thinkers say APC must not rule SL ever as South-Easterners will suffer (forgetting APC’s father, Siaka Steven, was a South-easterner)
Subject: Re: What, if God forbids, SLPP rigs Berewa to a Victory?
From: Salia Koroma
To: All
Date Posted: 14:53:18 09/08/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
Entered From: cache-dtc-ag14.proxy.aol.com at
We all know that the people have decided that they want a change, and they will not accept nothing less. I for one believe that if the SLPP try to go against the wish of the people there will be a nationwide match for the state house and if any one is found in there will face jungle justice just as the SLPP did to AFRC/RUF supporters. una member en..
Subject: Voter turnouts very appalling
From: Jackal
To: All
Date Posted: 14:26:45 09/08/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
Entered From: c-24-15-212-63.hsd1.il.comcast.net at
Phone call to Freetown indicate an appaling voter turnout in Freetown. Bo and Kenema on the contrary picked far greater steam than the first rounds. Turnout from diehard PMDC supporters who were mostly Kamajohs and thier supproters are staying away or voting SLPP.
Yet to get word from Port Loko, Makeni and the North as a whole.
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