My attention has been drawn to social media comentry regarding the motivation behind my application in the High Court on the elections of March 7th 2018. I have also received messages from friends and colleagues around the world on the subject including complementary statements. While I appreciate the different shades of opinions expressed on the matter, after consultations with my legal team, I make the following clarifications:
1. I am a Sierra Leonean and a member of the All People’s Congress Party party. I am not in discussion with or under any instructions, collusion or direction of any kind from anyone apart from my colleagues in the legal team.
2. The action in the Court is not intended to support the position of any candidate, political party or organisation other than the people of Sierra Leone who have suffered the brunt of alleged electoral malpractices in the last elections. The people of Sierra Leone have been intimidated and are gripped by fear since 7th of March 2018.
3. That any political party, civil society or other groups talking and accusing any party or person as being behind this action is misleading the public and are disingenuous to themselves for personal aggrandizement.
4. That i have never been contacted by any interested group or the two (2) leading political parties nor have i had a discussion with anybody on the subject directly apart from two (2) international media houses who have thus far been very professional in their reporting.
5. That three other political parties have since contacted me to enquire whether they could be joined as interested parties to the action which discussion has not gone passed that level.
6. That this action is motivated by the desire to save our country from the polarization of regionalism, ethnicity and political instability which are the greatest threats facing this nation right now.
Therefore, I call on all Sierra Leoneans to join us fight against negative propaganda and focus of helping NEC deliver free fair and credible election results which is the object of the court action as a peaceful way of resolving conflict.
Dated this 25th day of March 2018.
Ibrahim Sorie Koroma