It is over 48hours since polling in the two crucial bye-elections in Koinadudu District on Saturday and up till now the National Elections Commission ( NEC ) has not announced the provisional results, though counting has been concluded and provisional scores recorded in RFM for a have aready been handed to representatives of the contesting parties, the ruling SLPP and the opposition APC.
Usually, once the votes have been counted and tallied on RFM forms, NEC had announced the provisional results in 24 hours. The delay in calling the results are concerning to Sierra Leoneans and have made many people to feel that: with the ruling SLPP losing by a wide margin , according to provisional results, officials of NEC might be making subterranean moves behind the scenes to rig both elections.
Sierra Leoneans all over the social media are asking why the provisional results have still not been called. Some are saying that the National Elections Commission ( NEC ) of Sierra Leone, through the Bio SLPP government, is holding on to the results of the Koinadugu Bye-elections because SLPP lost and many are warning that Such acts will not lead to pleasant circumstances. Some Soerra Leoneans are even contending that such undemocratic practices precipitated the recent coup in neighboring Guinea.
Nothing has made Sierra Leoneans more suspicious than claims being made all over social media by SLPP supporters that they have in fact won both elections, though the provisional results recorded in RFM forms indicate the opposite,.
whenever the ruling SLPP had won bye-elections, the results have never been delayed. They have been announced within 24 hours because counting and tallying , being done electronically, do not take long as in the distant past.
Whenever elections are held in Africa and the results are delayed to be announced, it usually meant that the ruling party was losing and efforts were being made behind the scenes to interfere with the results
The opposition APC has threatened not to accept any rigged elections results.