By Tony Bee, Sydney. AustraliaSometimes even one does not want to say anything in connection with certain issues, especiallysocial and political issues in the country because of personal and family commitment. Butsometimes because of the love for my country, Sierra Leone particularly for its peace, security,progress and development, I have to step in. I have to come in to make my present felt, becausecertain people in the country always think and feel that there is nobody like them.Therefore, they will say and do anything they will like to say and scot-free. Even at the expense ofthe poor, powerless and defenceless masses, they just don’t care about that. As long as they bent onpursuing their wicked and unpatriotic clandestine devil incarnation like diabolic satanic plans thatwill destroy the hard earned golden peace that God has given us, to satisfy their caustic destructivepolitical ambition.These hungry and thirsty for political power hunters Sierra Leoneans still thinking that SierraLeoneans yesterday are still the same Sierra Leoneans today. In those days many Sierra Leoneans’eyes were dark. Therefore, every self-seeking riches politicians will easily brain wash our people,especially the poor and needy to satisfy his or her unpatriotic political ambition.They used to brain wash them by using tribalism, regionalism and political hate messages as theirpolitical weapons at their own detriment. Because they do not believe in working for the people.They only believe in promoting violence, war and fake propagandas, including fake emails thatalways deceiving them.Such wicked and unnationalistic politicians deliberately refusing to understand that currently everytown and village needs massive development in the country. But at their own expense, theunpatriotic bad politicians they still believe that the use of tribalism, regionalism, hate commentsand the promotion of violence and war as their political tools to win elections.They are deliberately refusing to acknowledge that, that will not save them from the dark wildernessthey find themselves currently. The fact is, they are forgetting that the days of fake politics,including political violence promotion and “lie, lie” propaganda are gone with Foday Sankoh andhis Libyan Green Book lieutenants.Although those who are still alive they are presently parading in the country as flag bearers. But weare waiting for them to tell them who they are in the country when the time comes. They arethinking that Sierra Leoneans are still stupid like some of them, especially those that alwaysthinking that the country belongs to them. Therefore, without them no peace, progress anddevelopment in the country.The people of Sierra Leone today need good development in their districts and chiefdoms not fakepropaganda or tribal or regional promotion. They are no longer interested in such devil incarnationdivisive unproductive politics.This makes me ask the question, will SLPP Benjamin and ADP Kamarainba tell the people of SierraLeone and the world the number of developmental projects’ programs that they have taken to thepeople of Kailahun to improve their lives? How many good development programs did each ofthem take to the district that will make the people of Kailahun not to praise the current massivedevelopment that is taking place in the Kailahun district through the patriotic and nationalistic
leadership of God sent President Ernest Bai Koroma and his APC government?Let SLPP John Benjamin tell the natation what he personally as individual, what he has done for thepeople of Kailahun since he was a member of the criminal gangster group-NPRC as Secretary andto SLPP as Finance Minister. What has he done in his own born district to improve the lives of hispeople? Whether to always incite violence or not, let him tell the nation.He was in the forefront of the tribal and regional selective killer group-NPRC and the tribalism,regionalism ungrateful promoters and unproductive “Nambara”One SLPP Many problemsKingdom. Please let him tell the people of Sierra Leone what are some of the great developmentproject programs he takes to Kailahun, especially when he was serving as senior man in the twogroups, NPRC and SLPP that will make Hon. Mohamed S. Kailondo Banya IV should not praisepresident Koroam and his APC selfless hard working government. And why PC Banya should notexpress his view positively and ask for more developmental projects for his people?One being a Paramount Chief does not mean if he or she sees the reality of the truth he should notsay it because he or she is a Paramount Chief. We should learn to appreciate the good work ofothers. Therefore, we should always put aside politicking, especially in terms of national burningissues. Not every time we should live in the web of negativity in and out of the country.In view of that even the recent good patriotic hard work done by the All Political PartiesAssociation (APPA) should not go unnoticed. For going all over the country secretly to verify theunpatriotic and unnationalistic false accusations of some enemies of progress and developmentagainst the census results in the country, especially the SLPP who’s anything that is not in theirinterested or favour in the country is a sham. Let us learn to give praise where praise is due as trueand honest sierra Leoneans so that others will do more.In view of that, let SLPP-NPRC John Benjamin don’t feel and think that the people of Sierra Leoneare still sleeping in their wings, especially our people in Kailahun. Kailahun was one of the mostdeplorable districts in the country for ages. It has been in the darkness for the past years withoutgood roads, no good drinking water, no good medical facilities, such as hospitals and no electricity.The people of Kailahun only able to see electricity light today and drinking good pure water, ridingand walking in good roads, particularly in transacting their daily business activities through thenationalistic attitudes leadership of President Ernest Bai Koroma and his APC government.With such ongoing massive development in the district, will SLPP John honestly tell the nation whyPC Kailondo Banya IV should not praise the good work of President Koroma and ask his people tosupport the electronic developmental train of President Koroma 4, 4,4, APC government?Will he, SLPP Benjamin expect PC Banya and his people to be ungrateful to President Koroma andhis APC patriotic development oriented government, like how they are ungrateful to one another intheir One SLPP Many troubles?Definitely NO, PC Banya and his people have to be grateful to President Koroma and his APCgovernment for the wonderful ongoing development in their district as honest loving developmentpatriotic Sierra Leonean, especially for his people.Please Mr SLPP Benjamin and ADP Kamarainba allow the people of Kailahun to exercise their Godgiven rights, freedom of expression positively. Allow them to express their positive views andopinions, especially for the development of their district and chiefdoms. Please do not try toclandestinely depriving or stoping them from speaking their minds in a very positive way for the
benefit of their district.Opposition does not mean that individual or group should always find themselves in the negativepolitical web of the country. If so, it is a deadly opposition because the people are no longer livingin the Dark Age, especially Sierra Leoneans they are no longer fools. They are current paying anypolitician according to his or her work, not by tribe or regional affiliation or connection.As for ADP Kamarainba, he is a young novice apprentice politician. Therefore, he has a lot more tolearn about the country’s politics. In view of that, if he wants his quick down fall, let him link withSLPP negative pull him down syndrome (PhD) propaganda train against the country. If he does,they will either use him directly or indirectly at his own detriment.If he thinks I am a story teller, let him ask Ambassador Alie Bangura, with SLPP-ECOMOG bushRadio, Banjance Tejansie, late Chief Hanger Noman, late Foday Sankoh and others about theungratefulness of SLPP.