A top official of the opposition All People’s Congress ( APC ) in the United States, Lawyer Sorie Tarawally, has sarcastically applauded the Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP) Government for their achievements, as they celebrate exactly three years in office.
By Lawyer Sorie Tarawally
Happy third anniversary to the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone and his current government. There have been some incredible achievements during the last three years:

1) We have witnessed unprecedented levels of tribalism. The country is now largely divided along tribal and regional lines. You’re unlikely to be employed unless you’re from a certain tribe/region. He has created an enabling environment for tribalism and regionalism to thrive.
2) We have witnessed the shocking lack of class from “A Mere Domestic Appendage,” as stated by professor Wole Soyinka of Nigeria. This woman is unelected, but her classless behaviour and senseless videos have been truly mind-boggling to say the least. The elected officials are scared of her and she is running the show. She is the gift that keeps on giving.
3) We have also witnessed a fervent and insatiable desire to embezzle state funds. We are used to seeing governments launch ‘Operation Pay Yourself’ during their second term of office, but this government has decided to launch the operation within the first three years in office. One only needs to take a glance at the Audit Service Report from the office of the Auditor General, and the revelations made by the Africanist Press (Chernor Bah) to get clear picture of the startling corruption.
4) We have also witnessed the Bank of Sierra Leone running out of Leones, a truly unprecedented achievement in the history of Sierra Leone (I stand to be corrected). During the military junta of Major Johnny Paul Koroma in 1997, the country was under United Nations sanctions, and there was also an embargo, with Nigerian naval vessels deployed on our waters. As a result the Bank of Sierra Leone was unable to fly in new currency notes, but inspite of these hurdles the bank never ran out of local currency. But with the current government officials paying themselves (from ‘her excellency’ right down to party officials), it was inevitable that the Bank of Sierra Leone would run out of money, and it did.
5) We have also witnessed a president that cannot stop flying. Not even Lucifer (the fallen angel, also known as Satan) has taken to the skies as many times as this president within the last three years, and Lucifer is believed to have wings. There have been numerous trips with little or no justification. These senseless trips are costing the nation as unlike Lucifer, there is a glaring lack of presidential wings. No other president has embarked on as many international trips during the first three years in office (I stand to be corrected). Had it not been for the Coronavirus pandemic, the president would probably have embarked on yet more senseless trips.
Happy anniversary Mr president.