The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.
In our determined quest to create a more all-encompassing and powerful media across all channels, COCORIOKO has launched its open anonymous forum on line . We are moving forward and building up on our Facebook forums, which among the largest among Sierra Leonean forums in the social media. We will not be content with just our robust presence on Facebook.
The purpose of this forum is to project our beloved nation of Sierra Leone in a more positive light to the international community, discuss important matters affecting our nation in the true spirit of democracy and clarification of issues. This forum will also be used to throw a better light on government actions and programs as well events in the country. Unlike other open forums, we aim to encourage our participants to approach and handle issues in a more responsible, civilized and ethical manner. We will not allow our forum to be used by unscrupulous persons to pay back old scores on their enemies and antagonists . We call on all our users to eschew profanities and to argue issues intelligently with a view to educate and enlighten readers , as applicable.
Please register and start using the forum at : http://cocoriokoforum.forumchitchat.com/. You can register using any name. We want to assure you of complete anonymity. That is, on no account will your IP number or identity be exposed because we believe that any forum that does that is acting in bad faith . Second guessing the identities of participants will not be encouraged. We want you to be as free as ever to express your feelings. Those who refuse to abide by our rules and regulations will lose their privilege to participate on this forum .
Please note that this new forum is still a work in progress and we still have a lot of work to do to customize the forum to our specification. This is just an experimental format and we will continue to improve it as time goes on and as soon as our moderators get a full feel of the forum.
If you encounter any problems to register or post, please send your concerns to [email protected].