Home News: 14 November 2017Lahai Laurence Leema Denied Bail & Sent to Pademba Prisons!The SLPP Publicity Secretary, Mr. Lahai Laurence Leema was reportedly denied bail this afternoon at the Freetown Magistrate Court N0.1 where he's facing various count charges of violent conduct at the SLBC where he had forced his way last week for an interview on TV.The CID invited Mr. Leema to make a statement in connection with the alleged violent conduct.The CID charged the matter to court and on his first appearance today, the trial magistrate denied the defendant bail and sent him to the Pademba Road Prisons till 17 November when he's due to reappear in court! According to eyewitness accounts and video footages, a heavy scuffle broke out between SLPP supporters and the police when Mr. Leema was being bundled into a waiting police truck. Supporters pelted stones at the court and police and one supporter threw himself before the truck to physical obstruct its movement. Some persons reportedly sustained injuries.Violence echoed across downtown but the police stood their ground and transported the suspect to the intended location.Readers are reminded that this is purely an information sharing forum. The use of invectives in reaction to this story will not be accepted. Persons who use foul language will be unfriended without any prior warning.
Posted by Idrissa Conteh on Tuesday, November 14, 2017
THE Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) Spokesman, Lahai Leema, was today denied bail and sent to the Pademba Road Prisons .
Mr. Leema reported to the CID yesterday as demanded by the Police and was detained . He was accused of abusing and threatening staff of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation ( SLBC ) and assaulting the All People’s Congress ( APC ) , Franklyn Rogers who had gone to the station to be interviewed by the SLBC during which he made allegations against the SLPP Presidential candidate, Mr. Maada Bio. On hearing Mr. Rogers talking on the radio, Leema rushed to the station and demanded to be interviewed himself . When his request was not granted, he went beserk and allegedly abused and threatened staff and beat up Mr. Rogers.
According to Police spokesman, Ibrahim Samura : “We received a complaint from staff of the national broadcaster, the SLBC, that the opposition spokesman forced himself into the broadcast studio, assaulted staff and used threatening language against female staff which disturbed normal broadcast operations. We are investigating for the law to take its course. We are treating the matter as a criminal offence.”
Yesterday saw lawlessness at the CID and then at the law courts today as SLPP supporters who accompanied Leema staged unruly demonstrations as though the Police had no right to bring their PRO to book for violating the laws of the land.
Today, after Leema was officially charged, he was denied bail and the case adjourned to Friday November 17, 2018. He was ordered to be taken to the Pademba Road Prisons. But as the truck carrting Leema left the court, SLPP supporters went berserk. One of them fell on the ground, lying right in the path of the truck, while the mob shouted “Kill him ! ! ! Kill him ! ! !” , as seen in the video above.
Idrissa Conteh reports :
“According to eyewitness accounts and video footages, a heavy scuffle broke out between SLPP supporters and the police when Mr. Leema was being bundled into a waiting police truck.”
“Supporters pelted stones at the court and police and one supporter threw himself before the truck to physical obstruct its movement.”
“Some persons reportedly sustained injuries.”
“Violence echoed across downtown but the police stood their ground and transported the suspect to the intended location.”