The Honorable Vice President, Victor Bockarie Foh has said, that whilst Fourah Bay College has had huge successes that may be remarkable, “challenges have also persisted” and was therefore hopeful, that over the years it has also equipped itself to address the challenges of a 21st century academic institution that will be responsive to the needs of the local and global environments.
Vice President Victor Bockarie Foh spoke on Tuesday 20th February, 2018 whilst delivering a statement at a flag-raising ceremony on the 191st Foundation Day of Fourah Bay College, at the Adjai Crowther Amphitheater.
According to Vice President Foh, Fourah Bay College can only grow from success to success and achieve “great feats and become a centre of excellence by being of service” to the country and beyond. This, he said, can only be done “by breaking new academic and moral grounds, and by becoming competitive in all endeavours.”
The foundation of Fourah Bay College 191 years ago, the Vice President said, was based on the mandate of providing Christian Education. “It was to train would-be Clergy and Teachers, so that they in turn impact the knowledge of God… to Africans who by and large were Traditionalists…”
Speaking on the university’s achievements, thousands of people, the Vice President said, have passed through the “walls” of the institution, including himself as an alumnus with registration number 4012(1965-1969). Several facilities, he said, have been created and recreated over the years and that “from an academic staff of probably less than ten (10) expatriates in the first year, we now have well over two Hundred (200) purposefully qualified Sierra Leonean staff in almost all fields of endeavours.”
Concluding, the Vice President said, as the College celebrates 191 years of existence, there is the need to “travel along with the values of our founding fathers, namely THE FEAR OF GOD.”
Also speaking at the Foundation Day Ceremony were Anthony Koroma, Commissioner at the National Youth Commission, the President of the Academic Staff Association, the Registrar of the University of Sierra Leone, the Ag. Deputy Vice-Chancellor and the Ag. Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of Sierra Leone.
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Office of the Vice President