12-Month State of Emergency Trap Set in Sierra Leone
– Foday Morris
The government of Sierra Leone has declared a year long state of emergency to prevent or combat COVD-19, the new Coronavirus desease that is currently ravaging the world.
No other developed or developing country has declared a State of Emergency this long; even those with reported COVID-19 cases. Sierra Leone has no (zero) cases as of this date..
“It is a Two-In-OneTrap for COVID-19, and the main opposition party, APC”, a concerned citizen told me.
I have added the post below someone else shared with me. It addresses the complete Two-In-One State of Emergency declared even before the Parliament of Sierra Leone finished discussing it. Please read on…
12 months state of emergency. Interesting country.
Let me share with you how this misdirected new direction is planning to use the 12 months SOE:
1. Speed up the recommendations of the COI
2. Get a government white paper out.
3. Clamp down on opposition leaders
4. Send them to prison.
6. Have a shift in the election year.
E lek una put all kind state of emergency na d country, if una do any wrong tin d people dem ready for resist heavily.
The momentum is gradually building up to resist any nonsense move under the name of SOE.
Am forseeing war in Sierra Leone because Maada Bio is planning to ban politicians for life through the white paper report through the STATE OF EMERGENCY, so that he can get an easy win come 2023, guilty or not guilty Maada bio will ban them from SL politics which will lead to war in SL.
He is now using the Corona outbreak as an opportunity to do dirty things to silent opposition, SL is with any reported Corona virus case he went ahead to declares 1 year state of emergency. Interesting times ahead in SL.
Princetta John Lahai Lahai Joyce Haffner me too getting confuse here I know it should go through parliament and I saw something on social media that take a tour that the Chief Justice went to parliament and take her exit I really don’t grasp that … however why a twelve months emergency?? I sense something political here
Sam Jay
Unisa Thorlu Conteh
⛔⛔ A bright mind wrote below 👇👇👇👇. This SLPP Party is a joke !
The logic of executive power is straightforward: during a state of emergency, governments need flexibility to address emerging threats and to exercise all power vested in the state to alleviate the situation. While clearly the consequences of states assuming so much power varies, history teaches that emergency measures are frequently abused and at times become permanent. Indeed, they can provide fertile grounds for widespread human rights violations and may even provoke a transformation from democracy to a totalitarian regime
Michael Turay Just don’t know how they think at times…Prozo really need better advisers…everything just going the other way.
‘Una advice prezo patrioticaly for develop SL. He’s a good guy and the precautionary measures are good but 12 months of state of Emergency is uncalled for Sir…at least 90 days and monitor the borders well and the other measures should be followed without any prejudice.
Cecil Pratt
I disagree with your ‘opinion’ Mr President. I also disagree that a situation exist to warrant a State of Emergency. Sierra Leone has not recorded a single case of COVID-19. The measures you and your government have taken so far is working and we applaud you strong leadership.
Perspective Scope
State of Emergency allows the government to detain for renewable 45-day periods and without court orders anyone they deemed to be threatening state security. Public demonstrations are banned . Govt uses Public health emergency to pass state of Emergency! Sometimes, the state of emergency can be abused like longer period, to suppress internal opposition without having to respect human rights.
States of emergency can also be used as a pretext for suspending rights &freedoms guaranteed under a country’s constitution or basic law, sometimes revoking habeas corpus. Setting the Stage to release the White paper. This long State of Emergency for 1 year is just a Pretext to fight Coronavirus 🦠 .The true Underlining motives is to restrict &suppress various freedoms .Chins , Italy & USA with 204,000 cases never passed SOE for 1 yr
Hope parliament can revoke his proclamation
Hope parliament can revoke his proclamation