By Foday Morris
I strongly believe that the indictments of Treason against Paolo Conteh are False and trumped up. However, I will not (never) take a loaded gun to State House – not even a knife…or peper spray, especially with SLPP as residents..
Against this backdrop, I think Paolo Conteh made a mistake — in fact a very stupid mistake in doing so.
Background information on why I think Paolo Conteh made a stupid MISTAKE.
1. During the 2018 Elections, Lahai Lawrence Leema and others falsely accused Paolo Conteh of plotting to assassinate then presidential candidate Bio.
2. After the elections and Bio had been declared winner and sworn in as president, Paolo Conteh and many other former APC government officials retreated to their villages and towns away from Freetown.
3. Paolo Conteh quitely went to his family home in Makeni after Bio was sworn in as president. While he was there, again Lahai Lawrence Leema made frivolous allegations that Paolo Conteh and others were plotting a coup against president Bio..
4. Paolo Conteh had enough of the false allegations. He left Salone for the UK where he stayed for almost a year.
5. While he was out of Salone, his house at Wilberforce Village was ransacked, illegally searched some of personal valuables were stolen. Empty containers of tents were confiscated and his security or caretakers were locked up.
6. Paolo Conteh voluntarily returned to Salone, after his name was mentioned in the GTT report and the COI. He wanted to support the investigation and answer any questions they may have for him.
7. Days after he returned, Paolo Conteh focused on his usual physical exercises. He played soccer and jogged around the city. Soon after that he was arrested on false charges of corruption and his house was marked for seizure. Police officers evicted residents and barricaded the house even before fact finding, or a court order. .
8. Beyond any reasonable doubt, Paolo Conteh proved that his house in Aberdeen was legitmately built and owned.
9. For several months Paolo Conteh stayed away from the limelight until he was called by President Bio to serve his country.
10. He made a stupid mistake by taking a gun to State House after all that had happened to him..
Paolo Conteh did not make a mistake when he declared his weapon with Security Personnel at the ground floor of the main statehouse building. There is video footage that could prove Paolo Conteh DID NOT attempt to take his loaded gun upstairs where the president is.
The government is hiding the video and they have removed all the Video Surveillance staff from their office downstairs. Even the officers to whom Paolo Conteh handed his weapon have been moved somewhere else.
Finally, without any doubt permit me to reiterate that the Bio government wants blood. They setup Paolo Conteh based on his stupid mistake but they also know that he had NO intention, and made NO ATTEMPT to assassinate or overrthrow president Bio.
It is all political witch hunt for flesh, blood and to take precious life away from Paolo Conteh.
Sierra Leone Magistrate and Judges, we are watching and paying attention on how you dispense justice and fairness based only on the rule of law.