I’ll make it plain and simple for anyone to understand. Bio and his wife take money freely from the government coffers without following the legislative process. They act as if Bank of Sierra Leone, the People’s Bank is their piggy bank, a slush fund, ready to be tapped into in a moment’s notice. This can only happen in autocratic societies.
Bio’s administration is fraught with incompetence. The nation’s educational system is the worst than ever before, under Bio’s watch. Kids spend more time in dumpsters and landfills looking for food to sustain them for the day than staying in dilapidated schools, where teachers are infrequently paid.
The government cannot even pay its energy bills. Shamefully, the world watched Parliament go dark during important deliberations. Why? Because Bio’s government failed to pay the light to the Turkey’s firm providing the service.
The Police, an entity at the heart of Bio’s incompetence, freely jails innocent people just to protect and satisfy Mr. Bio.
The health system is nonexistent. If you’re sick in Sierra Leone, just go home to die, especially for the poor. People have become numb from going without food on a daily basis. Street begging has become the order of the day for many.
What else can we say about this guy? He is incapable of vetting members of his administration. That’s how he ended up with a Bank Governor that knows very little about running a central banking system. For an economy which was already in a free fall, the Governor’s action to change the denomination of the nation’s currency has created additional confusion for our people.
Now, how can anyone argue in favor of not pointing out this president’s frailties. The issue is not about President Bio, but about the suffering and deaths he has unnecessarily brought upon the people of Sierra Leone. It didn’t have to be had it not been for his greed, selfishness, and incompetence. And, to make matters worse, the guy has resurrected tribal wars among people he should be uniting. The majority members of his administration are Mendes from his tribe. How does he think qualified individuals from
tribes would feel? But perhaps, I am giving this man undeserved credit. He would not be able to understand the ramifications of his ineptitude to an already fractured nation.
The damage is immeasurable under this man’s leadership. Come 2023, citizens simply need to vote this guy out of office.
Dr. Francis Dumbuya