By Rev. Wilfred Leeroy Kabs – Kanu
Let us face reality. There is nothing greater in this world than serving the true and living God. It is so fulfilling and sweet to be a child of God and working in his vineyard.
There is nothing good anymore in this fallen world, though we cannot escape from it. The system of things in the world are designed to make you unhappy , angry, frustrated and without peace . This world does not give peace. It rather gives anxiety, fear , uncertainty and anger. In every country you live, the government is useless and does not seek the interest of the people. There is corruption, injustice, human rights abuses , tribalism, discrimination , bigotry and every conceivable evil. But if you are in a spirit- filled church, you find equality, love, peace and joy. This is one of the greatest benefits you get when you serve the true and living God.
The Bible teaches us that in the presence of God, there is hope; there is peace; there is love; there is joy . Psalm 16 : 11 is explicit : “Thou wilt show me the path of life : In thy presence, there is fullness of joy ; at thy right hand, there are pleasures for evermore. ” These are some of the benefits of serving the true and living God.
In Isaiah 10: 27, God promises his people : ” And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck ,and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing .”
Yes, the anointing of God . It is crucial in our service and worship and praise of God. Nothing breaks the yoke than the anointing of God. Lots of people are living under the yoke. They are crushed in spirit . They are afflicted and in pain. But Jesus Christ promises in Matthew 11: 28. ” Come unto me all ye that are weary and burdened , and I will give you rest ” . The anointing of God is able to take way those burdens from your head or your back and provide you succor.
Some people are hurt because they have been verbally, physically and emotionally abused in the past. Nothing crushes the human spirit like verbal and emotional abuse . At times, it is more preferable to be physically abused, but God, through his anointing , is able to heal the broken hearted and heal their wounds as promised in Psalm 147: 3. The Psalmist also enthuses that the Lord is close to the broken hearted and he saves those who are crushed in spirit ( Psalm 34: 18 ).
In John 16: 33, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ assures us : ” I have said this to you , that in me you may have peace . In this world, you will have tribulation . But take heart; I have overcome the world ” . Through the Blood of Jesus Christ, the anointing of God, and the word of our testimonies , we are overcomers through Jesus Christ, who shed his precious blood on the cross not only to save us from our sin, but to help us overcome the world.
The anointing of God is so sweet and delicious. When you are in a spirit- filled church where the anointing is all- encompassing, it is so delightful to see the radiant , joyful faces of the brethren . They can be bouncing and full of excitement . The anointing is like the precious oil upon the head , running down upon the beard of Aaron ( Psalm 133 : 2 ).
Bathing in the love and anointing of God is a feeling that cannot be described or measured.
Let us put our hopes and trust in God ,instead of man or the system of things, because we know his unfailing love for us never fails. We know that we have an unchanging and faithful God whose love for us cannot change. According to Romans 8: 31-39, nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It is also fulfilling to know that as Christians, we are ambassadors of God on this earth. 2 Corinthians 5: 20. ” Now then we are ambassadors for Christ , as though God did beseech you by us..” What a great achievement to be the mouths that speak for God and the hands that give for God and the feet that go for God.
If you are not serving God, you are shortchanging yourself and missing out on the greatest enterprise on this earth.
May God touch you today to come to Jesus Christ. You will never regret it.
Rev. Wilfred Leeroy Kabs -Kanu is the Co- Pastor at the Covenant Child World MInistries of New Jersey and Sierra Leone. He was trained in Liberia at the Monrovia Bible Training College and is a clinical pastor , trained at the Robertwood Johnson University Hospital Clinical Pastoral Education ( CPE ) Program in New Jersey, USA . He once had a prison and hospital ministry in Liberia . He is a journalist and also a diplomat and international elections observer , working for Women Auditing and Monitoring Global Elections ( WIMAGE ) of USA. He served Sierra Leone at the United Nations as Minister Plenipitentiary and Coordinator for Africa at the UN Security Council Reform Negotiations.
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