Yesterday, President Maada Bio and his handlers organized a town hall meeting in Freetown that Sierra Leoneans are complaining a lot about because they thought it was not an open and objective field to allow citizens to freely air their views on the performance of the SLPP government ‘s six – year tenure.
First of all, the town meeting was strictly by invitation and tickets were given only to hard-core members of the ruling SLPP to ensure that during the question – and – answer period the President was not grilled for his many failures, bad governance, dictatorship and human rights abuses. Consequently, most of the questions posed from the crowd were friendly and complimentary. No difficult questions were asked.
President Bio seized advantage of the opportunity to showcase a litany of achievements that were described as lies by lots of people in the social media ( which went viral ).
Yesterday’s presidential town meeting was just a gathering of bootlickers, sycophants, SLPP carpet baggers and rabid supporters in a program that was strictly by invitation. The worst and deceptive character of Maada Bio once again.
The President seized the occasion to showcase lies for achievements. The President received favorable questions from the carefully chosen audience . Only one woman grilled him and for her pains she was openly badmouthed by sycophants and the microphone almost wrestled out of her hands. But you will hear the American Ambassador praising Maada Bio tomorrow for promoting democracy and free exchange of views. Bio deceived the nation once more yesterday. But who is to be blamed ? The people. They are cowards, only concerned with their hand -to- mouth existence. People get the presidents and leaders they deserve.
A woman who asked a difficult question was publicly disgraced by the rude Minister of Information C. Bah and later walked out .
What a shame.
There was a citizen in the audience yesterday who understood what the conversation should be about during the Town Hall and what the right question to His Excellency Julius Maada Bio.
She was told she was rude, she humbly apologized just so that she could go ahead and speak about ‘the bread and butter’ issue, especially how even locally-produced pepper is expensive in the market.
See how she was being rushed at and profiled just for speaking about what is affecting ordinary people.
This isn’t the democracy we will want to lecture those students at Harvard about. I wonder why the President couldn’t protect that lady who was just trying to let him know how she feels.
Watch out for the “Citizens Town Hall” where no one will try to take a microphone from you because you have a serious question to ask.
We are inspired by a citizen like this lady who couldn’t be intimidated. She speaks truth to power even when they visibly try to stop her through name-calling, intimidation, fading out the sound, and grabbing the microphone from her.
Presidents aren’t God’s, stop hero-worshipping them. There are things you can’t make up.
PS: This video is downloaded from the live Facebook broadcast of The Ministry of Information and Civic Education and its unedited.
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