Sierra Leone Advocacy Movement ( SLAM ) calls for suspension of MCC funds to Maada Bio government






Evidence of Corruption and Mismanagement:

The recent dismissal of Auditor General
Lara Taylor-Pearce and Deputy Auditor General Tamba Momoh under dubious
circumstances highlights severe governance issues. Their removal, which lacked due process and transparency, violates Sections 119(4) and 119(7) of the Sierra Leone Constitution. These sections ensure the Auditor-General’s independence and protect against arbitrary dismissal, underscoring the government’s failure to uphold proper financial management and accountability.

Human Rights Abuses and Political Repression:

Numerous reports and transcriptions
provide clear evidence of human rights violations and political repression under the Maada Bio administration. The documents detail brutal actions by state security forces and presidential guards against opposition supporters, including the use of live ammunition, arbitrary arrests, and physical assaults. These atrocities, committed with aparent impunity, illustrate a blatant disregard for democratic principles and human

Undemocratic Behaviors and Electoral Violence:

State security personnel and SLPP
supporters targeted All People’s Congress (APC) supporters with violence in the lead-up to the June 2023 elections. These incidents, documented in detailed transcriptions, reveal a pattern of intimidation and violence intended to suppress political opposition and manipulate electoral outcomes. Such behavior undermines the current government’s legitimacy and calls into question its ability to govern justly and equitably.

Lack of Accountability and Public Distrust: The government’s failure to uphold accountability and transparency, as evidenced by the dismissal of crucial auditing officials and the pervasive corruption scandals, has significantly eroded public trust.

Releasing MCC funds under these conditions would likely exacerbate these issues, leading to further mismanagement and misuse of international aid.

Call for Stronger Oversight and Inclusive Process:

SLAM advocates for a more inclusive
and accountable process before any funds are released. This includes establishing robust oversight mechanisms involving civil society organizations, ensuring comprehensive
preparatory work, and addressing the electoral discrepancies undermining the current government’s legitimacy.

Conclusion: Given the documented evidence of corruption, human rights abuses, and undemocratic practices, SLAM firmly believes that releasing MCC funds to the Maada Bio government would be highly irresponsible. We urge the MCC and the United States
Congress to suspend these funds until the government implements substantial reforms to ensure transparency, accountability, and respect for democratic principles in Sierra

Dr. Alfred A. Veenod Fullah

• Brian Forni, Vice President, Congressional and Public Affairs
• The Rt. Hon Patricia Scotland, Commonwealth Secretary-Genera

Sierra Leone Advocacy Movement (SLAM-Global)
Motto: Trust, Unity and Social Justice
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: UK – +447725982424/+447564115946
EU – +46734836874/+34676768005
US – 01732-629-951/01518-253-0069
• The Secretary of State, United States Department of States
• Richard YOUNG, Chief de Division, Afrique de l’Ouest
• Ms. Ursula Von Der Lyen, European Commissioner
• The United Nations Representative in Sierra Leone
• The Chief Executive Officer, Carter Center
• Justice Keith Sullivan
• H. E. Bola Tinubu, President of Nigeria & Chairman of ECOWAS
• H. E. Oumar Touray, President of ECOWAS Commission
• Madam Fatoumata Jallow-Tambajang, former VP of The Gambia
• Nana Akufo Addo, President of Ghana
• H. E. Bassiru Faye, President of Senegal
• H. E. Mamadi Doumbouya, President of Guinea
• H. E. Joseph Boakai, President of Liberia
• David W. D. Cameron, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth & Dev
Affairs, UK
• Ms. Ursula Von Der Lyen, European Commissioner
• The Rt. Hon. Andrew Mitchell, British Minister responsible for Africa
• Lynn Brown, Shadow Minister for Africa, UK
• Neil Alan John Coyle, MP for Bermondsey & Old Southwark, UK
• Ambassador Aly Diallo, Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea to the UK&I
• H. E. Cyprian Terseer Heen, Acting Ambassador of the Nigeria High Comm. in
the UK&I
• British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone
• Head of the European Union Delegation in Sierra Leone
• General Consul of Canada in Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of China to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Germany to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Lebanon to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Iran to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Brazil to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Sweden to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Iran to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Cuba to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Libya to Sierra Leon

Sierra Leone Advocacy Movement (SLAM-Global)
Motto: Trust, Unity and Social Justice
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: UK – +447725982424/+447564115946
EU – +46734836874/+34676768005
US – 01732-629-951/01518-253-0069
• The Secretary of State, United States Department of States
• Richard YOUNG, Chief de Division, Afrique de l’Ouest
• Ms. Ursula Von Der Lyen, European Commissioner
• The United Nations Representative in Sierra Leone
• The Chief Executive Officer, Carter Center
• Justice Keith Sullivan
• H. E. Bola Tinubu, President of Nigeria & Chairman of ECOWAS
• H. E. Oumar Touray, President of ECOWAS Commission
• Madam Fatoumata Jallow-Tambajang, former VP of The Gambia
• Nana Akufo Addo, President of Ghana
• H. E. Bassiru Faye, President of Senegal
• H. E. Mamadi Doumbouya, President of Guinea
• H. E. Joseph Boakai, President of Liberia
• David W. D. Cameron, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth & Dev
Affairs, UK
• Ms. Ursula Von Der Lyen, European Commissioner
• The Rt. Hon. Andrew Mitchell, British Minister responsible for Africa
• Lynn Brown, Shadow Minister for Africa, UK
• Neil Alan John Coyle, MP for Bermondsey & Old Southwark, UK
• Ambassador Aly Diallo, Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea to the UK&I
• H. E. Cyprian Terseer Heen, Acting Ambassador of the Nigeria High Comm. in
the UK&I
• British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone
• Head of the European Union Delegation in Sierra Leone
• General Consul of Canada in Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of China to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Germany to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Lebanon to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Iran to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Brazil to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Sweden to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Iran to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Cuba to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Libya to Sierra Leon

Ambassador of Libya to Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone Advocacy Movement (SLAM-Global)
Motto: Trust, Unity and Social Justice
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: UK – +447725982424/+447564115946
EU – +46734836874/+34676768005
US – 01732-629-951/01518-253-0069
• Ambassador of Egypt to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Cuba to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Guinea to Sierra Leone
• Ambassador of Liberia to Sierra Leone
• High Commissioner of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to Sierra Leone
• High Commissioner of Ghana to Sierra Leone
• General Consul of Italy in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul-General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul-General of Ireland in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul-General of Japan in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul-General of India to Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Senegal to Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Switzerland in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Syria in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Turkey in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Mali in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Romania in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Norway in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Hungary in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of France in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Belgium in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Spain in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Serbia in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Austria in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Denmark in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Russia in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Pakistan to Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of Malaysia in Sierra Leone
• Honorary Consul of South Africa in Sierra Leone

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