By State House Communications Unit :
The newly appointed Chief of Staff in the Office of the President, Mr. Saidu Conton Sesay has been sworn in at a quiet ceremony yesterday 9th July 2014 at State House. The COS was until his appointment, the Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action (NacSA).
“The Office of the Chief of Staff is a new creation under my administration because of my approach to the governance of the country,” President Koroma said.
President Koroma noted the importance and need for the government to implement programmes created by his administration within the Agenda for Change and now the Agenda for Prosperity, saying “there is clearly a need for the government to carve out an implementation unit that is charged with the responsibility of coordinating activities of ministries and giving them technical support.”
He further underscored the importance of the office in coordinating the affairs within the presidency in the implementation of programmes. “That is why we established this office and we have had some successes in the workings of the office, although there are still challenges,” he said.
President Koroma also expressed the need for the new Chief of Staff to establish a conducive working relationship in the various arms of the presidency starting with the Secretary to the President, the advisers and the various units therein, particularly in monitoring the implementation of government programmes. The President believes that the level of professionalism shown over the years by the new appointee made him to be selected to help support the government.
Briefing the new Chief of Staff on his functions, President Koroma emphasized the need for effective coordination to ensuring that the targets “we have established ourselves are met”. “The Agenda for Prosperity is our roadmap onto 2018 and for us to achieve most of the set programmes within it requires a lot of work, a lot of coordination and professionalism,” he stated. The President also informed Mr. Coton Sesay about Performance Contracts entered into not only by Ministries, Departments and Agencies but also Local Government institutions all across the country.
The Chief of Staff expressed appreciation for the confidence bestowed on him by the President and pledged to measure up to expectations and not to disappoint the state and vowed to continue to uphold his career and record over the years.
In a similar engagement, the Chief of Staff in a meeting held with staff said that he is a team player driven by targets and deadlines and urged all staff to support the Office of the President in meeting the needs and expectations of the public.
Describing members of staff as a pool of highly professional people, he called on all to put on as much effort as possible and work together to move the country forward.
Earlier before his statement, administrative heads of various units within the Office of the Chief of Staff gave updates of their functions and activities.
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