We are publishing this short video sent to us by concerned people about the abduction of 200 schoolgirls in Nigeria by the terrorist group, BOKO HARAM. It epitomizes the emotions of the moment in Nigeria and all over the world as the poor, little kids, who have not done anything to deserve their present ordeal are being held by the terrorist animals , with news leaking about horrendous sexual torture and ravishment of the innocent children.
This is a video of the First Lady of Nigeria, Madam Dame Good Luck Jonathan expressing what everyone should be feeling at the moment . She was supposed to have addressed some women on the issue of the kidnapped girls but her emotions overcame her even before she started .
Is the world watching ?
What is the world doing ?
We talk about the world now being A GLOBAL VILLAGE. This is no longer a Nigerian problem.. It is a world problem. Today, it is Nigeria. Tomorrow, it might be your country next. Please act now and save these girls .
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