About the failure of the APC and the present crisis in the party : Who is to be blamed ?


Emmanuel Sogbandi

When a mission fails the head of that particular mission is to be blamed. Equally so, when a mission succeeds the praise goes to the head of the mission. In the case of APC we are seeing a strange interpretation to this. Instead of blaming Dr Samura Kamara for his awful failure to Providing leadership, they rather prefer to shift the blame to the wrong persons.


Whether this is a deliberate ploy by the SLPP Paopa to dismantle the APC or just a manifestation of narrow-mindedness by the so- called APC bloggers I don’t really understand. But let me just point out few things to tell these so-called APC bloggers that Dr Samura Kamara has never been the right type of leader we assumed he is.

During the Presidential debate in 2018, Mr. Julius Maada Bio told the audience that Dr Samura Kamara can only perform under supervision. Mark you, Mr. Bio had served as former boss to Dr Samura Kamara in 1994. This revelation by Mr. Bio clearly suggested that Dr Samura Kamara is not a leader but rather somebody who can provide results only under supervision period.

In another instance, this is just during the 2023 elections campaign., President Bio in one of his campaign messages directly accused former President Ernest Koroma of interference and threatened incarceration of the former president if he does not desist. For Dr Samura Kamara his main contender, President Bio just admonished him not to heed to former President Koroma and others in the APC, emphasizing that both Dr Samura Kamara and himself belong to a particular Christian faith that has values. He did not tell us what those values but by every indication that President Bio has never and ever taken Dr Samura Kamara seriously. He evidently knows that Dr Samura Kamara lacks the ability and know- how to provide a leadership and there y threatened to give him ‘upper cut’.

Here are some few questions to the so-called APC bloggers defending Dr Samura Kamara;

1) Give me just one instance not even two where Dr Samura Kamara provided leadership since he was first chosen as flag bearer in 2018 and elected as flag bearer in 2023

2) Give me one instance where Dr Samura Kamara has convened a meeting and party stalwarts refused to attend such meeting.

3) Give me one instance where Dr Samura Kamara has challenged issues on radio and television stations.

4) When the Bio administration called for a mid term census, introduced a PR system in 2023, did Dr Samura Kamara challenge any of these issues?

5) Above all, when the 2023 elections results were condemned by both local and international observers, did Dr Samura Kamara attempt to take even a local interview talk less about international interviews?

If Dr Samura Kamara evaded all of the above, why casting aspersions on others? In the Book titled “The Rivals” authored by Richard Sheridan. It says and I quote ” Do not love thee if you love thee not”.
If the APC must survive, they have to tell Dr Samura Kamara to not pretend to lead the party knowing fully well that he does not have what it takes to lead.

I keep telling people that I voluntarily identified myself with APC for a display of true leadership by a particular individual in the APC party known as Dr Richard Konteh. His courage, charisma and fearlessness shown over the years left me and many other people in southeast with no option but to identify ourselves with the APC party. His productive participations in all the bye-elections especially in the southeast moved many of us to be card carrying members of the APC . Here is a man who could not just take part in rallies in bye-elections but also monitor the entire process until its logical conclusion. To him, participating just in rallies is not enough. You have to stay on and monitor the process all through. This method he applied including his humanitarian gestures ,greatly helped the APC to secure unimaginable votes in all bye-elections in southeast. The APC needs decisive leadership this time around than ever. We can certainly have that leadership in Dr Richard Konteh.

I thank you all!



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