*African Women need Prayers, Love and Appreciation*
*By M.B. Jalloh*
Has any man imagined or figured out the workload of a woman in general and African women in particular?
The creation of women has been, besides religion, one of the biggest gifts with which men have been endowed.
Before delving into the endless merits of a woman, let’s pause to imagine the pains, discomfort and sleepless nights a woman suffers from during her pregnancy. Try to brood over the labour pains during her delivery of the baby. That is why many delivery rooms nowadays require husbands to attend that moment of excruciating pains that women go through at birth giving so that they (the men) will learn how to pity, respect and appreciate their wives. And, above all, they would grow to love their wives more and more and day by day, for they deserve every respect and appreciation.
No wonder, Islam elevates the status of women and requires men to care for their wives in the best possible manner. Islam requires men to feed, accommodate, and cloth women while taking care of their spiritual, medical and social needs.
Now, let’s have a holistic view of the daily workload of a woman, especially the African woman upon whom the focus will be in this discourse.
The African woman is by and large one whose domestic and social role is most ignored, most unrecognized and most unappreciated by some African men. As a matter of fact, most African men, unfortunately, are oblivious of the pivotal role that women play in their homes. They do not even have time to think of or appreciate the numerous sacrifices women make daily to ensure that the family is well taken of in terms of feeding and decency of the home.
Here, somebody may say: “But that’s part of women’s duties and responsibilities”. And the response will be, yes, they are, but have you tried to do a woman’s one day work from dusk to dawn? The most indefatigable human being is the African woman. She’s on her toes from the moment she gets up until everyone in the household is fully satisfied before she thinks of going to bed.
Let’s think about the life of women in rural areas. They often go to the farm with their husbands, toil for the whole day and return home, and while the men are ensconced to have some rest, you find the women in the kitchen preparing food for the entire family. Can you find a more selfless and more dedicated person than the African woman?
And many a time they carry out their duties and responsibilities while having health issues, but seldom do they complain or grumble. You often find them cool and calm. For them, their major concern is to ensure that the home is a livable place. Again, have we paused to ponder on the pivotal role women play in the upbringing of children? The upbringing of a child is one of the most hectic jobs men should appreciate.
Women have all the patience and time to cater for the welfare of their children. Yet, their role in this aspect is hardly recognized and appreciated by some African men. Think about a home with a father and his children with no mother. Such a home is often a loose and an uncontrollable one. It’s so because such children stand to miss the tender heart and constant follow up of a mother.
Above are just a few examples of what African women go through in their homes, but are we cognizant and appreciative of their sacrifices?
If we have not been, then it’s high time for us to respect, pity, and grow more love for women. It’s high time we duly recognize the endless sacrifices of our wives and appreciate the pivotal role in the upkeep of the family. We should not just stop at the level of recognition and appreciation, but, rather, we should pray for our wives wishing them the best of everything in this world and hereafter.
As regards mothers, we are required to be kindest and most obedient to them. We must realize that our paradise lies under the feet of our mothers. Lost are those who hold their mothers in contempt, deprive them from their earnings and fail to comfort them.
Again, we should realize that what goes around comes around, meaning you shall be treated by your children the way and manner you treat your parents. Thus, it’s up to you to determine the nature of treatment you would like your children to honour you with. It’s definitely going to be a TIT- for- TAT game.
Food for thought
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