His Excellency Eddie S. Massally together with you the Deputy Ambassador Jonathan Saffa and the Head of Chancery Mrs. Sia A. Tejan have today 11th May held a very important meeting with security personnel, including the Liberian Immigration Services.
The meeting was geared towards the security and protection of Sierra Leoneans residing in Liberia.

In his opening remarks,Ambassador Massally conveyed greetings from His Excellency President Rtd. Brig. Julius Maada Bio. He expressed concerns over the way Sierra Leoneans are being arrested for documents including for Residential and Work Permits, and raised concerns on how these issues could be addressed.
Taking his cue from the Ambassador, the Deputy Ambassador Jonathan Saffa also expressed the same sentiment and brought in the issue of how a group called QNET, which has a branch in Sierra Leone, is defrauding Sierra Leoneans of thousands of dollars all in the name of travelling abroad or on the purported promises of giving them scholarships.
He stated that these Sierra Leoneans will come to Liberia and later find out that the company was not genuine before calling on the Embassy to come to their aid.
The Head of Chancery, Mrs. Sia A. Tejan pleaded with the Representative from the Monrovia City Council, Mr. Fayiah to ask the Mayor to talk to the relevant authorities to grant Sierra Leoneans residing in Liberia the opportunity to take the covid-19 Vaccine.
The Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. Amos A. Paypay and the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Harris Gbenyee who doubles as an Attorney for the Liberia National Police expressed appreciation for their invite to the meeting. Mr. Amos Paypay added that they have been having series of complaints from different nationalities including Guineans and Ivorians regarding the issue involving QNET, and stated that they were working to bring the perpetrators to justice.
On his part, the Representative from the Liberian Immigration Services Mr. Varmah Teyah commended the Embassy for such concerns over the welfare of its Citizens. He added that they have been facing problems with a number of Sierra Leoneans who are resident in Liberia with no proper documentation. He asked that the Embassy sensitise its citizens to try and legalize their stay in Liberia to avoid further embarrassment.
Mr. Fayai from the Monrovia City Council consented to convey the message about the vaccine to his boss, His Worship Mayor Jefferson Koijee, adding that Sierra Leone and Liberia share strong bilateral ties.
Mamawa Sombo Richards
Information Attaché
Sierra Leone Embassy
Monrovia, Liberia