Published on September 15, 2010 by Cocorioko News · No Comments

As the Government of President Ernest Bai Koroma stands in the threshhold of triumphantly celebrating the Third Anniversary of its rule in Sierra Leone, the government has achieved so much in three years that the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) is mesmerized and in complete disarray. Not even the Grand, Old Party had expected that the All People’s Congress ( APC ) government would have excelled so marvellously within the short time it has been in power.
The most shameless , defeatist and fraudulent response from the SLPP to the achievements of the APC Government has been the bland and shameful rationalisation that the government is completing their projects. What a disingenious way to cheapen one self -respect and self-worth as well as one’s personality to steal the achievements of one’s rival by lying that they were completing their projects.
The SLPP can never fool the Sierra Leonean people again. They were given 11 years to show what they can do for the nation but the SLPP did not achieve anything of note, apart from the fact that it was during the era of a sitting President carrying their banner that the International Community, especially Britain, the UN and Nigeria brought the war to an end in Sierra Leone. Let us take a journey down memory lane. We want the SLPP to be honest to point out any socio-economic and infrastructural development in Sierra Leone that does not have the name of the APC written all over it. When the late President Siaka Stevens was infrastructurally developing Sierra Leone, was he completing SLPP projects ?
Some Sierra Leoneans have called this newspaper to say that when the prospective SLPP Presidential candidate , and a member of the corrupt Tejan Kabbah Government, Dr. Kadi Sesay visited the U.S, they had wanted to go and listen to her to see if she had anything new and progressive to say, but most of them claimed that they were turned off by the asinine and foolhardy remark unbefitting a whole university Don she made that the APC was completing the projects of the SLPP. The people expected honesty and sincerity from Kadi Sesay but to them she started her sensitization program on the wrong foot by demonstrating that honesty and truthfulness are not the best attributes of SLPP Presidential candidates, whatever their education. Kadi Sesay shot herself in the foot by providing and leaving nothing productive with Sierra Leoneans in the chew on. She just demonstrated that she will be mercilessly mauled by President Ernest Koroma during the 2012 Elections. As for Boie Kamara or whatever he calls himself, the least said, the better. He did not come across as anybody worth listening to or being taken seriously.He was just part of the supporting cast of the clowns of the SLPP Circus. Compare the clowns to President Koroma when he made his first sensitization trip to the U.S in 2005 ,as opposition leader. He was an instant success and wherever he spoke, he struck a chord.In his honesty, frankness and in the more sensible and more productive things he said, Sierra Leoneans heard the voice of a true leader who had the capacity to transform his country. And after the people demonstrated their faith in him by voting him to power, President Koroma has not disappointed at all.
In only three years, President Koroma has changed the face of the nation for the better.We don’t expect pro-SLPP journalists to see this because like their party, they are allergic to progress. When it comes to seeing progress they are blind and dumb like a doorbell. Only SLPP journalists will see all the new things that have transpired in Sierra Leone since 2007 and call President Koroma’s achievements noise.
In only three years, Sierra Leone has seen the restoration of electricity and water supply ;the thorough cleaning of the capital city, the construction of new roads, the rehabilitation of our economic and social institutions ; the democratization of Sierra Leone’s politics; the revival of mining activities throughout the country ; the bringing back of the railway and the dramatic progress towards food security and the removal of the stigma of having the highest infant and maternal death rates in the world. If these achievements cannot be acknowledged by a journalist , but can give that journalist the audacity to accuse the government of making mere noise, one can see why our country cannot break through the barriers of international stigma. Wicked propaganda is delaying international appreciation of the country’s achievements. But the world will learn that Sierra Leoneans are their own executioners, see beyond the unpatriotic propaganda and come to appreciate the rapid progress being made in Sierra Leone.
The Government has every right to make its Third Anniverary a huge celebration because in just three years, the APC has achieved what the opposition SLPP failed to achieve in 11 years of disastrous governance. The APC has the right to paint the nation red because President Koroma has proved that if he is given two terms to rule Sierra Leone, he will leave a strong, progressive , productive and a more advanced Sierra Leone.
We will bring you more achievements by the government tomorrow.