By Kabs Kanu
APC was never set up to be a party of whiners and complainers—–whining and complaining whole day.
APC was set up as an action party. That was why the party’s motto was NOW OR NEVER.
APC never used to complain too much. It acted. If the patriachs and matriachs of the APC like Siaka Stevens, S.I. Koroma, C.A. Camara Taylor , Borboh Kamara, Nancy Steele, Regina James, Mammy Kainday and others had depended on whining and complaining and putting out press releases, APC would not have gained power in 1967/68 and 2007. I am tired of APC press releases and I do not publish them anymore. They irritate me so much.
One of the APC’s 99 tactics was graphically and inadvertently enunciated to me by guess who ? None other than the Apprentice, the Navigator Hon. Alpha Said Kanu, popularly known as ALPHA KHAN.
ALPHA KHAN ( The Navigator ) , when he was my boss as Information Minister, taught me this and I thank him for it : ” DO NOT BE THE ONE ALWAYS COMPLAINING ABOUT PEOPLE. PEOPLE GO SAY DIS MAN LEK FOR COMPLAIN TOO MUCH. AT TIMES, LET PEOPLE COMPLAIN ABOUT YOU TOO . THIS IS WHAT WE DO IN THE APC ” . I told him, ” Bra, enty you know ? Me nar Christian.” But the always eloquent and reasoned Alpha Khan said that even Jesus did not complain all the time. He too let people complain about him once on a while , quoting how Jesus took a whip and beat the people who had turned the temple into a market place. I said in the case of Jesus, he had a right. He was fighting for God. He was not fighting for himself. But Alpha told me NAR DE SAME THING. The message my brother was trying to teach me was that when you complain too much, when you play victim too much, nobody takes you seriously anymore. As soon as you approach, they will nudge each other , saying : “Here he comes again, with his complaining “. Whining and complaining too much is a sign of weakness and cowardice. AT TIMES, LET PEOPLE COMPLAIN ABOUT YOU TOO.
The funny thing was I did not know that I had an information Boss who was Machiavellian . LOL.
By the way, I have criticized him a lot recently but make no mistake about it, Alpha Khan nar man. Do you think Alpha Khan will leave the APC ? No way. Do not entertain that thought for a moment. Alpha Khan will be back. He will never go green, like Victor Foh, Atilla and Moijueh Kai’ Kai who did it for you know why.
I am all for reconciliation, unity and peace now in the APC. That should be our main focus now. Rebuilding, re- strengthening and re- energizing the APC. Even the prodigal son found love back in his father’s bosom. APC MUST UNITE. Many people will not like this message but it is the bitter medicine we must drink if we must come back to power. Let us unite the APC.
But back to my topic. APC was never set up to be whiners and complainers. In 2007, when Tom Nyuma and others , I am sure under the instruction of Maada Bio ( Not Solomon Berewa ) , went to that hotel in Bo to assassinate Ernest Koroma, did the APC write a press release or plunge into complaining and whining ? No. The APC took action and that was how Ernest Koroma lived to tell the story and became one of the best presidents we ever had in Sierra Leone.
APC never allowed themselves to be the ones always complaining . They made people to also complain about them. That is much more APC.
This APC has lost its way. It is a blind man walking up the wrong alley. This APC has lost its barometer and direction because all it does is whine and complain. It never acts like a man. When APC are not whining and complaining, they are putting out rubbish press releases that make me very angry and want to stuff them in their mouths.
Even the international community does not read your press releases because they are tiresome and counter- productive. Tell me when they have ever acted on your annoying press statements. All being well, Maada Bio is coming to America next month to sign the MCC Compact for U.S $480 million, which is going to be a windfall for Bio and his SLPP family.
If you want the international community to act on your behalf, do something dramatic, radical and revolutionary. Gaza will suffer but one day Palestine will have a full state status. They know that they will never gain it through complaining and writing press releases.
The people of Liberia would never have got rid of the oppressive Congau rule if they had depended on whining and complaining and writing press releases. The Apartheid policy in South Africa was not ended by complaining and press statements. The South Africans fought for it. It was the same with white rule in Rhodesia. Even racial discrimination in America.
Unless APC return to one of their most favorite 99 tactics of giving SLPP fire for fire, our great grandchildren yet unborn will meet us still in the opposition. SLPP are looking at staying in power and destroying Sierra Leone forever. If the APC think SLPP will give them back power on account of their unending complaining and press statements, they are thinking standing on their heads !!!
Shamefully, APC was the first ever ruling government that lost power complaining that the opposition cheated them. How can an opposition party cheat a ruling party enjoying in full the power of incumbency and all the instruments of power ? APC just tossed power away needlessly in 2018.if there was any cheating at all, we aided and abetted it.
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