While citizens are busy decrying the 2020 Cyber Bill, look at the gibberish released by the UK High Commission in Sierra Leone, hailing the approval by Parliament of what they called the National Cyber Security Policy and Strategy and expressing how proud they are for supporting the process.
This British support of a bill designed to to gag Sierra Leoneans and virtually make the social media extinct in the country is a slap in the face, with Sierra Leoneans already nursing resentment that it was the same Britain who covertly imposed the human rights abusing and undemocratic and bloody President Maada Bio on them.

When Britain behaves like this, it reinforces the perception among Sierra Leoneans that Britain could be the secret hand behind everything you are suffering in Sierra Leone at the hands of the incurable despot and human rights abuser, President Maada Bio. Shame on the UK for helping to bring a law to Sierra Leone that will be used covertly by the undemocratic SLPP Government to suppress the legitimate expression of divergent views by citizens.
Britain has a long history of covert interference in the internal affairs of their former colonies. They were accused of effecting regime change in Sierra Leone in 2018 , working nefariously with the then corrupt Elections Commissioner, Infa Allie Conteh, to manipulate the results of the presidential elections which were won by the then ruling APC candidate , Dr. Samura Kamara. Before the elections, the then British High Commissioner, Guy Warrington was said to have vowed on his manhood that only over his dead body would the APC return to power in Sierra Leone.
Guy Warrington became a much hated character in Sierra Leone until his recall by Her Majesty’s Government in 2019.
It is very obvious that Britain did not only help to bring the SLPP Government to power to thwart the growing Chinese influence in Sierra Leone, but they are supporting their puppet, President Maada Bio, in the face of all his human rights abuses, flouting the constitution and the rule of the law, premeditated political killings
Britain thought that the President Ernest Koroma APC Government was undermining their imperial interests by giving China a lot of leeway in construction projects , mining enterprises and even political affairs, especially when Chinese citizens were videod in a political rally with the APC. That is all Britain cares about —Protecting her interests. They have never condemned the horrific political killings , human rights abuses, unlawful imprisonments, and violation of the constitution and the rule of the law by President Bio.
Britain does not care for the welfare of the Sierra Leone people. If not, they would not have supported the suppressive and oppressive SLPP Government to promulgate the 2020 Cyber Bill , which is designed to silence the voices of Sierra Leoneans in the social media.

Yankuba Kai-samba
This whole thing started when the Ernest Koroma administration moved Sierra Leone closer to China during his administration.
His brother was seen mucking the British tying aids to human rights in contrast to the Chinese.
There is a resurgence of the cold war between west and east– led by China and Russia,which permeates the new scrample for resources in Africa.
Britain ,being the former colonial power to Sierra Leone, was alarmed when they saw Chinese expatriates directly participated in the 2018 APC campaign during the general and presidential election.
If Britain takes position or show interest in this cybersecurity law, it is to keep in check the Chinese ambition in Africa and the the world at large.