On 16 June British Ambassador Charles Hay hosted an afternoon tea for Korean medical personnel who went to Sierra Leone in the battle against Ebola.
On 16 June British Ambassador Charles Hay hosted an afternoon tea for Korean medical personnel who went to Sierra Leone in the battle against Ebola. Sierra Leone Ambassador, Omrie Golley and Deputy Director at the Ministry of National Defense, Park Cheol-kyun also attended. The event, held at the British Ambassador’s residence, was an opportunity for the British and Sierra Leone Ambassadors to thank the medical personnel for their brave efforts and to highlight the continued excellent cooperation between South Korea, UK and Sierra Leone.
Speaking during the event, British Ambassador Charles Hay said:
I would like to personally thank the 30 Korean doctors and nurses who travelled to Sierra Leone as part of the global fight against Ebola. You have made an immense contribution to a critical global issue. I hope that the UK and ROK will continue this strong co-operation both in Sierra Leone – helping to address the aftermath of the Ebola crisis and more broadly in tackling wider international challenges.
During the event, Sierra Leone Ambassador Omrie Golley said:
The solid contribution by the Governments of Korea and the United Kingdom in coming together to help Sierra Leone eradicate Ebola, have demonstrated the strength of triangular relationship that exist between the three countries and peoples.
Notes to Editors:
3 teams of 10 health care workers drawn from military and civilian sectors were deployed to Sierra Leone. The first team deployed in December 2014 and the last team returned in March 2015. All of the personnel were trained in the UK before flying out to Sierra Leone.