Monday May 30, 2005
Many Sierra Leonean activists in discussion forums and the diaspora have advised Mr. Charles Margai to discuss what he will do for Sierra Leone if he becomes President , instead of being obsessed with talks about being the son of the founding father of the ruling SLPP.
Margai, son of former Prime Minister , Sir Albert Margai, is one of the leading contenders for the position of Standard Bearer of the ruling SLPP and the Presidency , following the retirement of President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah in 2007.
Recently, when he announced his intentions to be President, his speech was distributed all over the country and the internet. Though many Sierra Leoneans believed that he stood a good chance to accomplish his aims, they however had problems with some portions of his speech.
Margai said in his speech that “No man born of a woman” will stop him from becoming President this time. Sierra Leoneans took exception to the fact that Margai quoted Macbeth inappropriately. Macbeth was on the road to becoming a bloody dictator when he made that boast.
Sierra Leoneans also want Mr. Margai to stop harping on the point that he deserved to lead because his father was a founding father of the SLPP. According to them, Margai was making it appear as if he had kingship rights within the SLPP. Some SLPP demanded to know how many sons and daughters of the founding fathers of the party had been given chance to participate in the party let alone hold top positions.
Margai, people advised, must stick to the issues and what he planned to do for Sierra Leone.

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