WE at Cocorioko and our sister paper, the New Daily Nation, after looking at all the achievements of our nation under President Ernest Bai Koroma , once again endorse him for a second time at the helm of governance in Sierra Leone. We believe that a second term for President Koroma will help to accentuate the country’s onward march to the citadel of socio-economic and political power in the world.
President Koroma’s five years of governance have left no doubt that he has the ability , commitment, devotion and the magic touch , with the help of Almighty God, to transform Sierra Leone into one of the strongest and most progressive nation in Africa and the world.It is our considered view that the people of Sierra Leone should give the President their votes because in five years he has demonstrated to them that he is capable of changing their lives for the better and make Sierra Leone a nation that they all would be very proud of in a very competitive world.
The decision to vote for President Koroma should not be merely political, so to speak. It is a national imperative if we want to see our country continue her onward and impressive march to socio-economic and political progress. The decision to vote for President Koroma should not be taken at the whim of regional or tribal considerations. The future of our nation should be the prime reason for Sierra Leoneans to vote for President Ernest Koroma after the Head of State proved his mettle during his first term as a very progressive and productive modern day leader who loves his people, means well for his nation and has gone beyond mere intentions to deliver socio-economic and political developments that have changed the face of the nation for the better.
In a fiercely competitive world where nations that do not move forward are doomed for failure for life, with attendant squalor and suffering for the people, we need a man like PRESIDENT ERNEST BAI KOROMA at the helm. He has delivered magnificent infrastructure and a country that was once a stone age relic is now one of the most beautiful and modern countries , with first-class highways that are the envy of other African nations. Under President Koroma, the economy has boomed and today the IMF and the World Bank are disposed to describe the Sierra Leone economy as the second fast-growing one in the world. Jobs have been created for citizens and for the youths as mining and agricultural activities, business and commerce were kickstarted in the nation by the ever-progressive President. A visiting UN Peacebuilding delegation noted not only the infrastructural developments under President Koroma and the positive change in the lives of the people, but the very busy atmosphere at the Lungi International Airport as investors flock in to make use of the abundant opportunities provided by President Koroma. Electricity and water supply have been restored and Sierra Leone is no longer the darkest country in the world.
Under President Ernest Bai Koroma, our lives and future are secure because he has one of the best human rights records in the world, as a result of which Sierra Leone was yesterday elected into the UN Human Rights Council. We have not been oppressed or suppressed. Our fundamental human rights have been respected. Citizens are very free to express their views and we have one of the most vibrant civil society and women’s advocacy groups in the world, an achievement that was highly commended by the UN during a Peacebuilding Commission High-Level session. The country is very peaceful and stable and no journalist has ever been arrested , not to mention , jailed , though we have one of the freest media with over 50 newspapers , most of them opposition media that vigorously criticize the President and the Government. President Koroma has provided the peace and security as well as the respect for fundamental human rights that we need in Sierra Leone to improve not only the quality of our lives but propel the nation forward.
Today, Sierra Leoneans are very proud of their nation because of the outstanding and inspiring leadership of President Ernest Bai Koroma . Today, Sierra Leoneans walk proudly with their heads in the air because their nation is developing rapidly under President Koroma. Gone are the days when the mere mention of the name of our country provoked blushes from citizens and our foreign friends and partners in progress. Today, we are proud of our nation because we see her moving in the right direction under the astute leadership of President Ernest Koroma. A vote for President Koroma and victory for him at the polls are therefore impressive steps in the right direction.
We believe that the best decision that Sierra Leoneans will take on Saturday November 17 is to put aside all tribal, regional and other sentiments to vote for a second term for President Koroma. We know that Sierra Leoneans love their nation and want to see a continuation of the abundant progress she has made during the past 5 years . They must translate their love and intention into positive action on Saturday to vote in PRESIDENT ERNEST BAI KOROMA, a decision that will impact progressively and productively on the future of our nation.
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