- Total Survived and Released Patients = 259
- New Confirmed cases = 28, as follows:
Kailahun = 14, Kenema = 2, Kono = 4
Bombali = 0, Kambia = 0 Koinadugu = 0, Port Loko = 1, Tonkolili = 2
Bo = 0, Bonthe = 0, Moyamba = 0, Pujehun = 1
Western Area Urban = 3, Western Area Rural = 1
- Cumulative confirmed deaths = 404
- Cumulative confirmed cases = 1,179, as follows:
Kailahun = 494, Kenema = 371, Kono =8
Bombali =44, Kambia =1, Koinadugu =0, Port Loko =76, Tonkolili = 19
Bo = 52, Bonthe = 1, Moyamba = 9, Pujehun = 8
Western Urban = 62, Western Rural = 34
- Probable cases = 37
- Probable deaths = 37
- Suspected cases = 81
- Suspected deaths = 11
Koinadugu still remains the only district that has not registered confirmed cases of Ebola in Sierra Leone
Mr. Syl Renner, a Sierra Leonean living in the United States of America has donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation as his contribution towards the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease. The PPE, which was delivered to the ministry through DHL, was received by the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Brima Kargbo
The Presidential Taskforce on Communications for Ebola Response wishes the general public and members of the press to know that it will begin hosting daily press briefings to inform the press and the public regularly on efforts the government is making to end the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Outbreak in the country. The press briefing will be held at the SLAJ headquarters on Campbell Street at 2:00 PM Mondays to Thursdays and at 3:00 PM on Fridays. The maiden press briefing will be held on Tuesday September 9, 2014 at 2:00 PM at SLAJ Headquarters
Ebola Emergency Account Details:
Account Number (Leones): 003001118285030109
Account Number (USD): 003001014138030145
The Ebola Emergency Account is audited by Chartered Accountants from the KPMG Accounting and Auditing Firm at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
All Cash Donations are deposited at the Ebola Emergency Account managed by the EOC, and kind donations (Medicines, Equipment, Supplies, etc.) are held at the Government Medical logistics stores, Freetown, by the Ebola Logistics team, for processing, storage and equitable distribution as required throughout the country.
v The Ebola Viral Situation Report, Ministry of Health and Sanitation
v For more information, please contact:
District level: District Health Management Team
National level: Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control,
E.mail: [email protected]
Website: www.health.gov.sl
Mobile: 117 (Toll free)
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