Published on January 3, 2011 by Cocorioko News · No Comments

Sierra Leone’s President Ernest Bai Koroma has left his country’s shores once again to join two other West African leaders to continue their peace-making diplomacy in the Ivory Coast where they have gone a second time to convince defeated former President Laurent Gbagbo to accept his recent elections rout by the opposition and step down in the interest of peace and stabiity not only in his country but the whole of West Africa. President Koroma carries with him once again the tremendous goodwill, respect , trust and credibility he enjoys from other African and world leaders which in fact made him to be chosen to be a team that the West African press has sumptously described as THE THREE WISE MEN OF WEST AFRICA.
Let the asinine, the hopelessly immature and desperately silly and foolish-thinking detractors of the President living in their own losers’ world write whatever nonsense they want about him as he undertakes this monumental mission, which has brought a feeling of pride to all blessedly true born and bred Sierra Leoneans .We know for sure that because the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) has been kicked out of power and will not smell power again in Sierra Leone while President Koroma continues to reign supreme with his socio-economic and political developments , the losers in their camp who are still licking their wounds and mourning theirdisastrous loss in 2007 , will try to throw everything at President Koroma as his star continues to shine throughout the nation and the international world. Only a myopic person will expect anything better from certain contaminated tribalists and doomsayers of the SLPP living in the United States. They have been in a civilized country for donkey years but have not learnt to put their nation ahead of their tribe or region , representative of their party (According to their peurile thought pattens ). As I said before , this is what distinguishes the real men from the mere boys , the real patriots from the ugly Sierra Leoneans who do not want to hear anything good about their nation. At a time like this when they should be applauding their President for his spectacular achievements both in the nation and the international world and be proud that ECOWAS gave such a glorious mission to their President , they just cannot help themselves continuing their cry-babyism which has disgusted every true Sierra Leonean.
For how long are these SLPP morons going to be crying over this historic defeat the APC delivered them in 2007 ? It is over three years now but the sniffles, moans, tears, weeping , lamentation and ‘Crying Uncle’ just would not end. It was one of the best and the most free and fair elections ever held in the world . The SLPP losers are still grieving that the Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Christiana Thorpe, did not allow them to get away with their bold-faced thieving in Kailahun District where they over-voted in almost all the constituencies, after seizing the distict with thugs and keeping supporters of the APC and PMDC out. Only uncivilized people and criminally-minded partisans will want fake votes to count in an election. There was overvoting in 477 constituencies and the votes were annulled . So what ? Christiana Thorpe should have accepted the fake votes, eh ? As far as we the true patriotic and civilized Sierra Leoneans`and the International Community are concerned , Madam Thorpe did the right thing, thus making the 2007 elections in Sierra Leone the best ever held in the continent. CRIMINALITY COULD NOT BE ACCEPTED IN THE ELECTIONS AND ONLY CRIMINALS WILL GET MAD WITH THORPE FOR NULLIFYING THE CRIMINAL VOTES. No wonder Christiana Thorpe was given international accolades for conducting such a flawless election.
Not only is it disingenius to compare the Ivory Coast situaton with our’ s. It is criminal. The fake votes in the 477 constituences were nullified by the Electoral Commissioner —The nationally and constitutionally approved authority thrust with the responsibility to conduct the elections —and she was appointed by the SLPP. Electoral Commissioners have the final say in all democratic elections , even in the Ivory Coast, not a so-called Constitutional Council that is loyal to an incumbent government. In the Ivory Coast, the votes were not nullified by the electoral commissioner but by a puppet Commissioner of a pro- government Constitutional Commission.
2012 will soon be here and the SLPP is going to be delivered another crushing knockout punch by the APC . What will these crybabies do then? Burn Sierra Leone down ? May be, that is what they are planning and that is why they are sooooo gutted by President Koroma’s marvellous dilomacy in the Ivory Coast. The SLPP must know that we are living in a different world today. When the APC defeats them again in 2012, if they refuse to accept , ECOWAS will do EXACTLY what is being done to Laurent Gbagbo today–They will be asked to stop the rot or face military action and possible prosecution at the International Criminal Court ( ICC ). The SLPP know very well what they are planning for 2012 and so they want the problem in the Ivory Coast to fester and lead to war, to serve as an encouragement and motivation to them for their own devillish plans in 2012.
ECOWAS did not choose President Koroma by accident . ECOWAS looked through the rank and file of leadership in the subcontinent and saw a greater choice to send on this delicate mission to the Ivory Coast — the Beacon of democratic and bipartisan politics in West Africa, President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone. ECOWAS , like the UN and the International Community and stakeholders have their own observers on the ground in Sierra Leone who send them accurate reports, never mind the insane wilkileaks-exposed lie concocted by that whacko who used to work in the U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone . These bodies rely on the reports of their observers and not on the whinning of crybabies who would neither grow up, nor inculcate the finer ideals of patriotism. They know that President Ernest Koroma is a model among his fellow African leaders for his impeccable respect for democracy, human rights and the conventions of International Human Rights Law and the Rule of Law. Since President Koroma came to power in 2007 after winning one of the best elections ever in Africa , he has created an enabling atmosphere for multi-party democracy, Freedom of the Press , respect for human rights and the constitution to flourish in Sierra Leone. The result is that Sierra Leone today is one of the most democratic coutries , and about the safest and the most progressive nation in West Africa. Because of this, President Koroma has the moral authority to go to the Ivory Coast to force Laurent Gbagbo to step down. This was why ECOWAS called on him to join three other West African leaders to take part in this intricate diplomacy in the Ivory Coast. The fact can never be more easier to understand than this, unless you are a backward-thinking SLPP moron ! ! ! !
We the true Sierra Leoneans who love our country and want to hear only good news about our country are proud of ECOWAS first of all for making the best choice of its peace diplomats .In President Ernest Bai Koroma , ECOWAS chose a man who has all the respect, credibilty and charisma to succeed in the Ivory Coast. We are also proud that of all the Presidents and Heads of State in West Africa , it was our ownLeader who was chosen to go with the three other Chief Executives to Ivory Coast to find a solution to the impasse there .Let the SLPP detractors choke on it. For all we know , it is another victory for President Koroma, the APC and Sierra Leone and for that we are mighty proud. PRSIDENT KOROMA IS ON THE ROAD TO MORE INTERNATIONAL STARDOM .
May God continue to bless our President and our beloved nation.