Food insecurity and hunger are stalking Sierra Leone like a relentless and vengeful ghost. The World Bank, the United Nations and other international stakeholders have warned that the food insecurity in Sierra Leone will worsen if nothing is not done to redress the situation.
It is for this reason that Sierra Leoneans are delighted to hear President Maada Bio promising to make Sierra Leone self-sufficient in food production.
But the question everybody is asking is : Is Maada Bio serious about his FEED THE NATION program or is it another of his big talk and false promises that he has not been using to deceive our people since he came to power ?
There is no doubt that President Bio is facing a serious crisis of confidence. Since he assumed power in Sierra Leone in 2018, Maada Bio has promised the people manna from Heaven but he has not made any serious efforts to fulfill his promises. Bio has never made any concerted and focused effort to even govern the people. Rather, he has spent all his time spreading propaganda, witch-hunting the opposition APC and his detractors and committing horrific human rights and governance abuses . How does President Bio expect the people to trust him when the only thing he has shown interest in is dividing the country dangerously along tribal, ethnic and regional lines and shedding innocent blood ?
President Bio makes glorious promises but goes on to do quite the opposite. He promised to alleviate the sufferings of the common man but he then went on and instituted and signed the killer 2024 FINANCE ACT, which has levied burdensome taxes on basic food and commodity serves, which will further drive inflation through the roof in Sierra Leone. How does he reconcile this murderous imposition of taxes on already perishing people he is promising to redeem? It does not add up. Bio is just deceiving the people.
We wait to see whether the FEED THE NATION program is just one of President Bio’s scams .