A remarkable, distinguished and illustrious woman of substance and priceless value to our nation is celebrating her birthday today. She is none other than Sierra Leone’s Honorary Consul to California , Goodwill Ambassador and famed philanthropist Mrs. Isatu Isha Timbo Nwokedi.
Mrs. Timbo-Nwokedi’s birthday this year comes at a very auspicious moment when she has just returned from a very important humanitarian mission—the now-annual mission trips to Sierra Leone of the U. S – based Healthcare Sierra Leone organization , which provides free medical care around the country .
Mrs. Isatu Timbo-Nwokedi is also a recipient of the coveted Lifetime Award from United States President Joe Biden and a globally successful health care provider and humanitarian , also very famous for building a school and hospital in her country, Sierra Leone.
She also rendered invaluable services to Sierra Leone during the Ebola, mudslide and the Corona Virus pandemic disasters in Sierra Leone by sending 40-foot containers of medicines and medical supplies as well as donating food, clothing, schoolbooks and supplies to the needy and to students, and scholarships to pilgrims heading for Mecca worth tens of thousands of dollars.
A very appreciative public both in Sierra Leone and the U.S. have overwhelmed her this morning with happy birthday wishes.
We wish to extend from the depths of our hearts warm and affectionate birthday greetings to Mrs Isatu Timbo Nwokedi and we pray that God will bless her, children and family for her goodness to our nation and mankind. May she live to celebrate countless more birthdays.
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