The Cocorioko Newspaper Limited —Sierra Leone’s biggest and most widely-read media outlet , with over 200,000 friends at Facebook , Twitter , Linked In and Whatsapp and over 500, 000 readers of our online newspaper—- would like to wish you a Happy and prosperous New Year. We pray that God will bless all your undertakings and the work of your hands during this new year.
Whenever we look at our visitors’ counter inside our website which calculates the number of readers who visit the site and our number of friends and “likers ” on social media, we feel proud and have a sense of fulfillment for such a mammoth readership , and for that we want to thank every one of you , our valued readers, for your moral support and patronage.
We know that Cocorioko is a hit newspaper because of you and we want you to know that we love and appreciate you so much. When people criticize us, it is just SOUR GRAPES and it does not bother us. Obviously, when the fox cannot get the grapes, it describes them as sour.
We promise to continue our good work this year.
Sierra Leoneans definitely need a news outlet that positively portrays and highlights the socio-economic and political developments back home and the huge potentials our nation has in the areas of economic investments, commerce, business , tourism and mercantilism . GOOD NEWS SELLS BETTER THAN BAD NEWS. Though we cannot deny the fact that we have challenges, this is no reason to hide our socio-economic and political developments and massive potentials under the bushel.
We hope we will all work together to make Sierra Leone a stronger and better nation.
Once again, Happy New Year and may God continue to bless us all.
L.W. KABS-KANU : Owner and publisher.