Mr. Ibrahim Ben Kargbo, popularly known as “I.B”, who was one of the presidential advisers before he recently won a seat in the Sierra Leone Parliament, was today invited to the Criminal Investigations Department ( CID ) for questioning in connection with the ongoing fiasco over allegations by a Lebanese newspaper, “As Safir”, that approval had been given for transfer of waste from Lebanon to Sierra Leone .
The Office of the President , responding swiftly , denied agreeing to accept waste from Lebanon, as alleged by the newspaper. The Government also denied authorising any official of state to convey approval to that effect. The Sierra Leone Government assured the nation that it is “fully aware of the danger posed by hazardous and non – hazardous waste and gives the full assurance that it will never expose the public to such long – term risks to health and the environment.”
A letter from the Office of the Special Advisers to the President , addressed to the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, and allegedly signed by Hon. Kargbo clearly exonerated Government . The letter corroborated the Government statement that it has not given any approval to anybody for the transfer of the waste.