First letter of resignation:
Mr Harold Saffa
Secretary-General, SLPP
UK/Ireland Branch
17th January 2006
Dear Mr Saffa
I am writing to inform you and all members that having observed the activities of the parent body of Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) at home, and having had experience of working with members at this branch for a couple of years, I have finally decided to disassociate myself from the party membership and tender my resignation. The main reason being that SLPP is not a party that identifies with positive national views; instead it is bent on corrupt practices to enhance personal interests, a practice abhorrent to my tenets. I also strongly believe that if one is not corrupt by nature, and insists on correcting the wrongdoing of the SLPP members/government, one becomes the enemy to write home about.
I have sincere sympathy for those who are still true to their commitments either as executive or ordinary members for the sake of maintaining the party. I also sincerely hope that they will soon realise that one cannot spend one’s whole life fighting an unending battle with rogues who, as present SLPP party managers, are just there for their selfish and personal gains, and not for the good of the general membership or the country. With all the resources Sierra Leone has and all the aid poured in by the international community, a prudent and forward-looking SLPP government ought to have performed far better in the nation’s interest that it can show for.
With the above in mind, I have no regrets to declare myself as a Founding Member of the Peoples Movement for Democratic Change (PMDC), the future political party to bring about Positive Change to Sierra Leone. I also proudly invite all Sierra Leoneans at home and in the Diaspora to join PMDC, the only chance of working together to develop our nation.
I also take this opportunity to thank all those members I worked with in various capacities and especially as Secretary to the Council of Elders at this SLPP branch and assure that even though I now firmly stand on a different platform, we still remain brothers and sisters of our much loved Sierra Leone community.
I remain
Yours sincerely
Agnes Kumba Dugba Macauley (Mrs)
PMDC/UK branch
c.c. Tamba J. Lamina, Chairman, SLPP, UK/Ireland Branch
Second letter of resignation:
To the Secretary General,
SLPP, United Kingdom and Ireland Branch.
During the past few years, one has been observing the gradual demise of the philosophy and ideology of the SLPP. The legacy of the Founding Fathers has been completely discarded. These values have been torn apart by the “Arrivistes” in the SLPP who have made self-interest, intimidation and victimisation the policies of the SLPP. The result of these callous actions has created a chasm in the nation.
I was the Women’s Leader of the UK and Ireland Branch and I am also the daughter of one of the stalwarts of the SLPP, the late Mr G.S. Panda who was Secretary to the Prime Minister-namely the late Sir Milton Margai and the late Sir Albert Margai. My late father was among those charged with treason and incarcerated for seven years because of the SLPP.
I have come to the conclusion that I cannot be insensitive and watch the country slip into further decadence and abject poverty and do not embrace the vision of the People’s Movement for Democratic Change (PMDC), whose philosophy and ideology are people first and nation building in order to achieve positive change in our beloved country, Sierra Leone.
Restoring hope in the nation, especially for the youths and women in order to attain effective goals in all aspects of development in Sierra Leone, can only be realised within the framework of the PMDC. Consequently, for the reasons aforementioned, I hereby tender my resignation from the SLPP.
Yours sincerely,
Esther Panda.
Third letter of resignation:
The Secretary General
Sierra Leone Peoples Party UK and Ireland Branch
Dear Sir,
RE:Letter of Resignation
After careful Consideration, I have decided that with effect from today, I am resigning from the Sierra Leone Peoples Party.
I must say that I do not have any personal grievances against the branch party and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the good relationship I have had with you and the branch party.
I am resigning on the basis of principle, as I do not think that the party is keeping to its principle of ensuring that Sierra Leone is a free and democratic state.
Yours faithfully,
Signed Edwin Foray’
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