Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached an invitation and program for the International Women’s Day event, “Elevating the Conversation on Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict”. The event begins at 6:15pm in the Economic and Social Council on Thursday, 6 March with the main panel discussion taking place at 7:00pm.
The event will feature the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zainab Hawa Bangura, US Ambassador Samantha Power, House of Cardsstar and activist Robin Wright, Sylvia Mbanga, a lawyer and activist and Tom Mohin, the Director of Corporate Social Responsibility for Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). The panel will be moderated by John Prendergast of The Enough Project. The panel will be followed by a Q&A session.
If you have any questions please feel free to email or call me at the address and number listed below.
Best Regards,
La Neice Collins (Ms.)
Communications Officer
Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict
United Nations New York, NY
Office: +1 212 963 1160
Mobile: +1 917 714 9430
Email: [email protected]
The Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict
The Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
The Enough Project’s Raise Hope for Congo Campaign
The United Nations Academic Impact Department of Public Information Cordially invite you to The International Women’s Day
Event: Elevating the Conversationon Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict
6 March 2014, 6:15 p.m.
Economic and Social Council
RSVP by 27 February 2014
Questions may be directed to Annie Callaway at:
[email protected] / 1.202.481.8125
International Women’s Day Event:
Elevating the Conversation
on Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict
6 March 2014
Presentations and Discussion / 6:15 p.m. / Economic and Social Council Chamber
How art and culture can be used as a form of social change, with specific examples
from leading voices who are currently engaged in activist projects related to Congo.
I n t r o d u c t i o n s :
Opening remarks by Prof. Hiroko Hashimoto, Government of Japan
Ramu Damodaran, Deputy Director
United Nations Academic Impact, Department of Public Information
Omékongo Dibinga, Congolese Spoken Word Artist
Paul Freedman, Filmmaker: Sand and Sorrow
Adele Kibasumba, Congolese Civil Society Leader
Main Panel Event / 7:00 p.m. / Economic and Social Council Chamber
Highlighting the importance of women’s participation in Congo’s peace process, urgent actions needed to end
and prevent sexual violence, and the transformative power women’s movements have in transitioning communities
from war to peace. The topics and themes covered will be contextualized to include multiple conflict areas.
M o d e r a t o r :
John Prendergast , Human Rights Activist and Co-Founder of the Enough Project
Amb. Samantha Power, United States Ambassador to the United Nations
SRSG Zainab Bangura, Special Representative of the Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict
Robin Wright, Actor and Activist
Sylvie Maunga Mbanga, Congolese lawyer, advocate, and Program Facilitator, Federal Leadership Institute
Tim Mohin, Director of Corporate Responsibility at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD),
chair of the Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), and author.
Q & A / 7:45 – 8:00 p.m
Questions may be directed to Annie Callaway at:
[email protected] / 202-481-8125
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