God is good ….The Cup finally don full up for Jimmy B .
Our precious house girl, and a beautiful and promising young waitress were raped victims of Jimmy B. The poor family of the first victim was financially silenced , and the system was manipulated.

People like Jimmy B should serve as role models to our society, but have been preying on innocent and vulnerable victims and using his influence to silence them. It is about time that rapists like Jimmy B face the fullest extent of the law to put and end to these kinds of malicious act.
I prayed and prayed that one day God will show up , and indeed He finally showed up. GOD is good When rape survivors are exposed to victim-blaming behaviors or attitudes, the experience may feel like a second assault or a second rape, a phenomenon known as secondary victimization . In many instances, these behaviors are overt as system personnel explicitly hold survivors responsible for the assault, doubt the veracity of survivors’ stories, or minimize the seriousness of the crime. In other instances, this occurs when rape survivors are denied needed or desired services .Speaking out about the assault may therefore have detrimental consequences for rape survivors as they are subjected to further trauma at the hands of the very people they turn to for help. Negative reactions can thereby serve a silencing function.
Women who initially break the silence and speak out about the assault may quickly reconsider this decision and opt of speaking. Negative reactions such as being blamed, being denied help, or being told to stop talking about the assault may effectively quash rape survivors’ voices, rendering them silent and powerless. I stand strongly by and with all Sexual assault victims…. I hope the lens of justice will look into this matter without fear or favor , so that many more voices of “RAPE VITEMS” will be heard and the cooperate brought to justice
Jimissa Koroma
YtueuucesefttiettrSpdaotonsyou at 3rel:fmeu21 dPMdre · It astonishes me to notice that a number of the major advocates and activists in the fight against rape, rape culture and all forms of sexual and gender base violence are virtually mute with respect to the recent allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment against one of our big alagbas in the republic flying all over social media.
Like the R-Kelly saga, I was hoping that these advocates will jump at this opportunity with the utmost energy and tenacity we have been seeing demonstrated beforehand and leverage their collective voices to confront the elephant in the room.
I was hoping that an opportunity has finally arrived for a big catch that will send a strong message to perpetrators that it is not business as usual. Alas, I was wrong, or Am I? Or is it the case that I am fixated and compulsive with the issue expecting too much from a system that offers too little? Hopefully, I will be proven wrong; I really want to.
Rather than engaging in victim blaming, trivializing the claims and psychological warfare, I am still hopeful of seeing an emphatic mobilization in support of the victim’s assertions and claims. In as much as it’s just an allegation at this stage;
I believe that unlike the principle of presumption of innocence until proven guilty, in the fight against rape and other forms of sexual and gender base violence, the victim (in this case victims) must be believed and supported until proven otherwise; especially in the court of public opinion. Or is it because of the personality in question? Remember, we promise to break the silence around rape, promote reporting of sexual abuse cases while supporting systems for sexual and gender base violence survivors. We dae watch oh.