Deputy Minister of Local Government, Mr. Philip Tondoneh , yesterday verbally humiliated the Mayor of Freetown, Ms.Yvonne Aki-Sawyer, in public , creating further backlash for the President Maada Bio Government, which is under tremendous pressure presently for bad governance, tribalism, high-handedness, human rights abuses, disregard of common laws of decency and peaceful cohabitation and abuse of democracy.
In a videoed public altercation, the Minister , who acted like a bully, was seen verbally abusing and menacing the Mayor for refusing to provide money for trucks outside a proper and transparent disbursement policies. Mr. Tondoneh verbally abused the Mayor , threatening her : “I will deal with you, accordingly “. Tondoneh was also heard screaming that the Mayor was sabotaging the national cleaning exercise. Bt the Mayor, in a social media post, gave her own version :
‘I just had a most unfortunate and unpleasant altercation with the Deputy Minister MLGRD and the PA of the Minister MLGRD. I was accused of sabotaging national cleaning day. The altercation appears to be because of the trucks that we could not verify last cleaning day and therefore could not pay for. Mysteriously, the truck contractor who had been very supportive and collaborating with FCC this morning, stopped taking any callls about 2 hours before the altercation. Earlier this morning the contractor was on the phone with me assuring me that all the trucks would be on time and thanking FCC for giving him advance funds for fuel even though that is not stipulated in his contract. I am shaken. I remain fully committed to supporting the President’s vision for national cleaning day and to working with central government as I have been doing all along. FCC will ensure that the city is cleared before the day ends. Kind regards Mayor’
The social media went virile with the event and everybody was blasting the Deputy Minister and the Government in more signs that this government has become very unpopular in so short a time. There was a universal outcry for the Minister to be dismissed.
The Mayor has suffered untold tribulation at the hands of this SLPP Government having been elected on the ticket of the opposition All People’s Congress ( APC ). She has been physically beaten up three times by SLPP thugs and in one instance her hand was srained and she had it on sling for a while.
What is amazing about these acts of lawlessness in the country is that President Bio has never made a public statement to condemn them.
Posted by Alimamy Issa Kamara on Saturday, October 6, 2018
Nazir Mansaray This sort of behaviour clearly demonstrates a number of inherent problems in our society: First and foremost, there is no robust system in place to neatly define what the Mayor’s responsibilities are. If there is, why is she being accused of transgressing her jurisdiction? Party politics is still very much at work. The sentiments are undeniably evident. The Mayor is equally enthusiastic in executing her responsibility and does not deserve to be blatantly disrespected by the other two gentlemen. Again, our leaders ought to be inculcated with the etiquette that accompanies their offices. Such behaviours are inimical to the social cohesion we so badly need at this time. I suggest the Chief Minister looks into these issues.
Naasu Fofanah updated her profile picture.
I condemn all forms of violence against women including political bullying and intimidation of women in politics!
You are serving well!! You are executing your mandate!

Moses Ben Kanu shared a post.
Slpp Bio government on the path to it destruction.
SLPP contouring the humiliation of the Freetown city mayor. SLPP has no respect for our mayor just because she’s not one of theirs. Shame on this clueless and classless munku that is attacking a woman. This is the new low of the new direction. Clueless and classless.
*The Public outbust earlier today by the Deputy Minister of Local government is unacceptable in any society*
*Hon. Tondoneh should be sacked if Predident Bio want to be seen as a true disciplinarian as he’s trying to portray himself in the public*
*Public officials are expected to behave responsibly and should be seen as role models, the attitude of the Deputy Minister is a disgrace to not only to this administration but the entire nation*
*Tondoneh should learn to respect women, he’s sending a wrong message to the children out there*
*Mr President please fire Tondoneh and make him example if you want to maintain discipline in your Administration*