Published on August 17, 2010 by Cocorioko News · No Comments
A new book titled “Sierra Leone Beyond the Lome Peace Accord” edited by Dr Marda Mustapha and Dr Joseph Bangura hits the bookstores today August 17. According to the publishers Palgrave Macmillan, the project undertaken by the scholars is meant to address the void in the literature of Post-Lome Sierra Leone.
Another scholar Prof Raphael Njoku had this to say about the book: “In spite of the copious literature produced on the Sierra Leone civil conflict over the past two decades, very little attention, if any at all, has been devoted exclusively to the terms of the Peace Accord as a basis for evaluating post-war reconstruction programs. Sierra Leone beyond the Lomé Peace Accord provides a detailed account on the successes and failures of ongoing post-conflict efforts.”
The book cover which depicts central Freetown was painted by Richmond Garrick; the prologue was written by Ahmed Koroma commonly known as Stokes.
The table of contents with contributors are:
Introduction–Marda Mustapha and Joseph Bangura * Sierra Leone beyond Lomé: Challenges and Failures–Tunde Zack-Williams * The Anatomy of Peacekeeping: ECOMOG’s Role in the Sierra Leone Civil War–Joseph Bangura * The 1999 Lomé Peace Accord and Child Combatants: For Di People? For Di Pikin? Or For the International Community?–Robert Tynes and Clarke Speed * Shifting priorities in child protection in Sierra Leone since Lomé–Susan Shepler * Article 27: Citizens, Refugees, And Relief Along The Sierra Leone – Guinea Border–M. Douglas Henry * The Role of NGOs in the Democratization Process in Post-War Sierra Leone–Fredline M’Cormack-Hale * Sierra Leone’s Development Challenges–Victor A. B. Davies * Peace-Building and Human Security in Postwar Sierra Leone: A Critical Analysis–Earl Conteh-Morgan * Global Inequalities and Peace in Post-War Sierra Leone–Marda Mustapha * Afterword: The Future of Sierra Leone–Dick Simpson.
Get your copies today preferably from Barnesandnoble.com for fastest delivery. We join other well wishers in congratulating the editors of this new publication on Sierra Leone.
Link for those who want to buy the book
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