Let this be a lesson . You can never fight your President who is walking uprightly and win. The President of the country is the Supreme executive power of the country. As long as he did not violate your fundamental human and constitutional rights, you are fighting a losing battle.
Even in America, you cannot fight the President and win. Presidents fall only when they commit crimes like what Nixon did in 1974 -Watergate -or Bill Clinton ‘ sexual indiscretions. But once a President is treading carefully like President Koroma, you cannot pick a fight with him and expect to win.
The Bible admonishes us to be humble. “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love”.(Ephesians 4:2 | NIV)
“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.” (Romans 12:16 | NIV).
The late Momoh was loved by President Siaka Stevens because he was humble, faithful and loyal. And President Stevens ensured that he left power in his hands . I do not understand how somebody would have been enjoying all the bounties and good graces of his President and government and would not try to humble himself to his President.
I understand that there are many bad bosses around, who are bullies and are insensitive, cruel, wicked, implacable , bossy, unapproachable and vindictive. This is the kind of boss I will not kowtow to because he is an abuser of the rights of others and a bully and must be withstood stoutly . But President Koroma is not that kind of boss. He is a very humble man, approachable, kind, understanding and always willing to help. I cannot see myself falling out with a boss who is kind, considerate, compassionate and humble because I can always go back to him and plead for peace and reconciliation in humility. And I know he will listen.
It is very difficult to understand how a young man like Alhaji Sam Sumana would have allowed his relationship with a simple and non – vindictive man like President Koroma – his boss- to deteriorate until it reached a melting point where decisions had to be taken that had such a bearing on the nation.
Those closer to the young man must advice him in all humbleness of mind and spirit to be careful to be humble in this world. No Country ever gained Independence by slapping the Queen. We have to humble ourselves in this world. “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up”.
I see he has a lot of money to spend and waste and I am sure he will listen to people like Charles Margai to continue fighting and taking his case to the ECOWAS Court, where he is going to again waste a lot of money for nothing. Let him not be fooled by the bad advisers he has. The ECOWAS Court does not have the mandate and jurisdiction to reverse or set aside the decisions of the Supreme Courts of sovereign nations . They can give advisory opinions but not on a delicate constitutional matter like this and even if they do, it is not binding to the country. The Supreme Court decision is final. Nobody can reverse it.
Sam Sumana should seek the path of peace and reconciliation instead. Nobody hates him in the APC. I am sure that nobody hates him in the party or government. There is still room for reconciliation . Sam Sumana is a young man and still has a long way to go. He can reconcile with President Koroma and others and with humility still save his political career.
SLPP will never accept him wholeheartedly or give him a symbol . He and Charles Margai will never get along or work together. If he forms a political party, he will never win an election. People popularized his case only for political capital and for their own selfish ends. He has too much baggage and skeletons in the cupboard. His legal problems are far from over because debtors and people alleging that he conned them will soon start coming after him, now that power is gone.
The only recourse left for the Chief is humility and reconciliation. What he should have done first is now what he needs to do to save his political career. Continuing to fight is only tantamount to digging more holes for himself.