Animated President Koroma Speaks: “…unprecedented, unprecedented”, it was all “unprecedented!”
We told you our fans before that something big was about to happen and trust me it did happen this past Sunday 1st October, 2017 in an “unprecedented” style and manner. The grand opening of the APC Party Office in Kabala town saw a magnificent event that attracted thousands of people from Koinadudgu/Falaba Districts and the rest of the country. The city was flooded with people, merriment, joy, enthusiasm, entertainment of all sorts. It was all RED, all APC!!! Something so remarkable that it is hard to describe with mere words. But we will do our very best, that’s why we are here – for you!
President Koroma couldn’t resist the thrill, the energy, the exuberance, the charge, the fire, the love, and the RED people naturally showcased and infected in everyone including the president himself. He could not help but described the occasion and the huge cheering crowd as “unprecedented!” Something that has never happened in the history of Koinadugu/Falaba in his time as president. KM Writers Media calls it the RED unquenchable energy!!!
Making his statement, the president noted that he was deeply impressed with the unity, love, oneness, cordiality and understanding the stakeholders of Koinadugu/Falaba districts displayed. And the growing force and zeal of REDNESS was highly touching. At the end of the day he said, it is all about the APC Party winning and taking this country forward that matters. The decision NAC will take for the next flag bearer will be purely in the best interest of the party, representing all of us as APC people. And that winning the March 7 2018 General Elections begins with the very first decision we make as a party to succeed the president. Therefore, the party should and must be prepared to exercise a lot of understanding and maturity to carefully “navigate” through this very crucial and extremely important transitional period.
The party has the responsibility to not lose governance. It is also its responsibility to continue the development agendas it has already put in place. According to the president, the future of this country is only safe in the hands of APC and that’s true. But all that begins when we as a party, he said, show out to the public an electable face that will garner a big win for the party. Every politics savvy individual knows that the first step of winning an election is to put out a sellable brand the people are willing and ready to buy even with the least campaign/advertisement. After all, who will be so willing to lose it all just in the name of honouring personal individual interest? I don’t think any brilliant person is willing to do that. Winning together is the APC philosophy!
But when all is said and done, the APC Party has a big advantage of wining the next elections by a historic margin. This is so because they have that kind of brand that has the potential to land the party a very big victory. The people’s choice. Above all personal interests or sentiments, Dr Kaifala Marah represents that electable/sellable brand the APC needs around this time.
Or else!