In his book, The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon, the celebrated psychiatrist, asserted: “Each generation, out of relative opacity, has a mission to discover. They either fulfill it or betray it. ”
The Sierra Leone Bar Association’s mission is to uphold the rule of law, promote excellence in legal practice, and protect the interests of its members.
As the President of the Sierra Leone Bar Association, Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara and her entire executive are charged with a MISSION: it is this mission that the Sierra Leone Bar Association leadership under Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara has betrayed with arrogance.
In her first official act as the newly elected President of the Sierra Leone Bar Association, she maliciously lied and accused a colleague lawyer and fellow member of the Sierra Leone Bar Association (Mary Kaingbanja, Esq.), of committing a conjured-up cybersecurity crime, and further employing the “ever-ready and no question asked” head of C.I.D; RPG Robert to unlawfully luck her up. *This will forever mark the reign of Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara’s presidency of the Sierra Leone Bar Association*.
Now, as a result of public outrage at the injustice perpetuated by Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara and the excesses of the pay-to-arrest C.I.D boss; RPG Robert, she is desperately attempting to escape accountability and indemnify herself from justice by cloaking herself in SLPP and branding the young lady (Mary Kaingbanja Esq.) as an APC member.
What a display of cheap comedy by Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara and her ‘lefu-lefu’ public relations machinery!
Has Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara forgotten that this same Mary Kaingbanja (who has allegedly metamorphosed into an APC member overnight) served as an Associate Lawyer at Jabbi Associates, Jia-Jina Chambers (a law firm that was passed down to Tuma by her father) for three-plus years until April 1st, 2024 when Mary Kaingbanja Esq. elected to resign on her own accord. The last time I checked, APC members did not practice law at Jabbi Associates Law Firm,
Was Mary Kaingbanja Esq not the same person who spent months dressed in SLPP outfits and masquerading alongside Tuma all over Freetown, under the hot burning sun campaigning for Tuma’s husband’s (Gento) Mayoral election?
It is high time the President of the Sierra Leone Bar Association-Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara and her “wannabe” Lying Liars or Spin Doctors cabal stop underestimating the intelligence level of SLPP members and the average Sierra Leonean at large.
SLPP members are not that naive to assume that all officials of President Bio’s administration are saints.
For those of us whose true political allegiance is grounded firmly in the inherent belief in God and country, and in the immortal values of the SLPP, we will embrace the obligation of speaking out against these nefarious machinations; we must stand up and resist those who are recklessly determined to ransack our party for puny personal gains while destroying everything that so many have given tears, sweat, and blood to achieve. we will embrace the obligation of speaking out against all forms of bullying by members of the Overfed and Greedy Olgarchy of Sierra Leone.
AS SLPP members, we must be faithful to the pursuit of truth. Because Truth is truth, whether denied or not. And the truth is:
Tuma Adam Gento-Kamara is one SLPP official who has outlived her usefulness and must be uprooted.
Let there be freedom for all;
Let there be justice for all;
Let Mary Kaingbanja Esq. Be freed.
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