A further sign about how the Maada Bio Paopa Government has decided to bankrupt the Sierra Leone economy further,
Even as government workers have still not been paid for February almost close to the middle of March, President Bio has gone ahead and hired a nutritionist at State House and her ridiculously high wages and emoluments are higher than what hard-working university professors receive.
President Bio’s attempt to compensate his tribesmen and women and party supporters has seen him pay far above the salary caps for their positions , which has put tremendous burden on the government wage bill and caused the government to default on its commitment to pay workers on time.
Sierra Leoneans have roundly condemned the appointment on social media .
George Tregson Roberts This nutritionist is not doing a good job anyway, because the president is looking more and more over-nourished. We don’t want him to become too corpulent, as that is not good for his health or for that of the government of the country. Our official nutritionist should shape up and get the president to shape up as well. We deserve better value for our money.
Mohamed Warisay This is exactly what happens when you give a whole state to a known thief and one with a history of corruption.