Dakar 27th July 2017.
Mauritanian Airline commences flight from Dakar to Freetown
The Sierra Leone Embassy in Dakar Senegal which is also accredited to Mauritania is pleased to inform the public and Sierra Leoneans that Mauritanian Airlines will resume flights from Dakar to Freetown starting Wednesday August 2nd.
Here are the flight details:
Wednesday August 2nd
Departs Dakar 08:30 am to Conakry
Arrives in Conakry 09:50 am
Departs Conakry 10:30 am to Freetown
Arrives in Freetown 11:00 am
Departs Freetown 11:40 am via Conakry to Dakar
Sunday –Departs Freetown 11:40 am to Conakry
Arrives in Conakry 12:10 pm
Departs Conakry 12:40 pm to Dakar
It could be recalled that the Ambassador and her team have been discussing with the management of the airlines for several months now. Those efforts have materialized and will reduce the travel burden and cost between Freetown and Dakar.
See attached a photo of Mauritania Airlines
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